I believe
sincerely that to stress the disagreements the betrayals the lies the wars that
there have been between Spain and Catalonia, is a necessary step to understand
better because you has arrived until here, that is to say until the in
appealable desire of independence of Spain, said this, I believe that it is a
deep error to use alone the history, that is to say the past to hope many
Catalan understand if it really interests them another future, a new future
without any obligation of living like it sends the tradition this if
I believe that
books have been written at hundred on historical and other positions, the less
ones, with future positions, I believe that the problem is in that officially
the government of Catalonia cannot make campaign, neither on the IF neither on
the NOT because the supreme law of that sends which is Spain, very wisely has
prohibited that Catalonia attempts neither so at least it can imagine or to
think of being independent. it cannot be it,
that hard it is the reality and therefore neither Spain makes campaign
for the (no) neither Catalonia can
make campaign for the (yes).
This is it
that legally should be at least, but clearing is made the made law the trap, so
the government from Spain that is who makes the law, is who he makes the trap,
and the without any repair if he makes campaign against the YES, as he makes it, by means of
threats, some illogical ones and other real ones, it removes us the possibility
to self-finance, he leaves us without investments in public structures, it
limits us the budgets for the sanity, it limits us equally those of the
education, even in that it limits us our own education, until us forbidden to
publish our books in according to what European country.
The government
uses without any consideration the law (his Law) against Catalonia and against
the Catalan, so much if they are it as if they only live, they work or they
negotiate from or in Catalonia, and if there is not enough law in Spain within
his reach he requests help to other institutions they open up this way,
investigations to the family Carulla, To the CF Barcelona, investigations to president
Mas, investigations to the Pujol, scandals like that of the Millet that they
lengthen of former professes so that they cannot forget while the dispute sovereignty
lasts, or you really believe that if the justice acts as such, has not already
finished with sentences in firm, but it doesn't interest it is necessary to
maintain Catalonia and the Catalan in the indecision.
If it is true
that Spain also has scandals and they are more many more and more fat Gurtel,
case Noos, accounting B of the PP, paid envelopes to political of the PP and
administered by the treasurers of the PP I refer Barcenas, the ERES of
Andalusia, the former president of the community Mallorca now in the jail, that
of the county of Castellón also, they have had to take out a king as quickly as
possible, because I believe that this King has not been as Pujol that thought
that the better era to admit to the justice and the society all that hides, an
authenticate disaster.
Already for
these facts it is already clear that will be better independent being because
the quantity of shit like minimum will be smaller, because at the moment none
of the Catalan accusations, and it has been sentenced by no means, so still it
is to see if so at least they are true and alone they are 65 days, so that the
just machinery of Spain proves them, because if he won't have to explain to
them very well.
Well giving
for bad the fact that the Catalan government cannot even present arguments to
request the IF to his interests that they are those of many of us somebody he
would be necessary to think of giving clearly that future vision is for the
Catalan in case we can finally arrive to the independence, it would be
necessary to deny the ghost that the pensions won't be able to them to pay,
because it is on the contrary, in Catalonia there is less brown therefore more
hard-working than they quote and of there they leave the pensions and the
sanity, our GDP is the highest in Spain for that that even always counting the
commercial boycott of Spain serious more than the financing that today the gives
us Mr. Montoro.
In a first
moment I calculate that Catalonia would lose an equivalent population to 10% of
the current one that evidently, he would not want to stay in a foreign country
having a lot of family part in Spain and feeling Spaniards, this would favor to
reduce the residual unemployment that is in Catalonia, since the drops labor
and commercial etc. would have to fill them with autonomous or Catalan
unemployed or tune to continue living here, Catalonia could stop the blow of a
separation until adjusting its basic economy, at least during three years, they
don't make us lack essential infrastructures neither hospitals, neither it
dilutes, neither electricity.
The managers, and
it arms that they use from Spain in against our, those that wants to leave
would not have more remedy than to continue at least during a time until to
find who buys them their goods properties, machinery, structures, etc. is not
so easy, and if the business goes throwing at the end people he can that they
leave but the business will continue flowing benefits in and from Catalonia,
but was this way because for example TELEFONICA he has bought its magnificent
headquarters of Barcelona instead of selling it to AXA.
Here I am not
government neither of Spain neither of Catalonia, but I tell them they are not
blind stays they vote “yes” ever that leave us clearing it is, this is simple
question of numbers the GDP of Catalonia it is of 200,000 million Eurus, today
with a population of 7,5 millions gives a GDP / hab. Of 27,650€, imagine that we
lose like he said 10% of the society we would be about 6.750.000 inhabitants
but I eat at the same time it would lower the structural unemployment there
would be a called effect that would balance in little time to about seven millions
the inhabitants, that he would make to maintain the general GDP and to go up
the GDP per capita.
This is the
future reality, this is what Spain tries to avoid to all coast and you don't
see another way to solve it that threatening the angers of the hell, and it is
not this way if Spain is not able to stop this; it will be the first one in
arriving to agreements of economic cooperation and politics. It is a pain that
is not informed of all this by means of TV3, The newspaper, the ANC, Cultural
Omnium, etc. and alone parties can be made more or less popular and festivals
that remind the history that is to say the past, this begins not to be
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