The euro goes on the way to registering its figures lower trimester from
the climax of crisis of the euro area, what helps the politicians that try to
avoid the deflation threat and to stimulate the weak economy of the continent.
The unique currency fell for the first time yesterday below 1,28 dollars in
more than one year, elevating to 6,6% its devaluation in front of the green
note from principles of July. This would take him to register their more marked
fall from autumn of 2011, when the fear to an implosion of the monetary block
reached the highest bench marks.
That the politicians and the economists need if it is that of both there
is in europa, to realize that it is impossible that an unconnected conglomerate
of 17 economies of those that alone 40% of them one can say that they work, he
can have a foreign currency that quotes 28% more than the dollar and that in
many moments I would say that their parity average this in 30% more that makes
that this value stays, because nothing else that the speculation of the markets
of capitals and of foreign currencies.
The euro, in fact single bill with the guarantee of a bank for very BCE
that is, the BCE is not a country, it is not a nation that produces anything,
alone he is an administrative agent to you order them of Germany, but to
explain to me better how many administrative agents they have broken in this
world, and when this passes nobody it aids them but rather its clients escape
to everything to run this same it would happen or it will happen when the main
client of the BCE gets tired of sustaining the euro area and then no other
client will be able to make in front of the debt acquired in Eurus and that one
would have to return in dollars.
The depreciation is the result of the radical measures taken by the
European Central Bank to relax its monetary politics from June, as the discount
this month of the types of interest and the announcement that he would begin to
buy active of the private sector. But also reflective a turnaround of the
dollar that has won impulse in the last weeks before the vicinity of the end of
the program of quantitative expansion of the Federal Reservation of USA, and
the perspective between the investors that the American types of interest
ascends in 2015.
But when this happens the disaster of the debt euro it will be
tremendous and this is what I want to begin to denounce, I have always
maintained the theory that the euro is overvalued and for this cause, the UE
has emptied of industries because it is they cheaper to buy in dollars and it
is they more expensive to sell in Eurus, it is that until I find lie that this
so silly and simple he has to say it me and that also this can take us to the
total ruin of the system.
"The movement of the exchange rate is reflective that the monetary
politicians in Europe are taking a different path in front of the monetary
politicians of other important" countries, he explained to the media Mario
Draghi, the president of the BCE. The monetary politics of the BCE would
continue being flexible "during an extensive space of time while the
monetary politicians of other nations can recognize gradually that the recovery
is taking place in their countries", it pointed out.
The Fed has stood out that its monetary politics’ course will be
determined by the economic data. The Fed suggests possible ascents of the types
by the middle of next year, but the currency and the markets of funds point to
an ascent in March, if the American economy wins impulse. The constant
devaluation of the euro takes place after months of strength that confused the
investors and they harmed the European exporters.
The discounts of the types of the BCE and the rest of stimulus measures
applied from June have not still had an appreciable effect when improving the
trust or the economic activity in the monetary block. The expectations of the
market around the long term inflation rate have continued falling, what
suggests that it is diminishing the trust of the investors in the power of the
BCE to avoid the deflation.
However, the BCE hopes the depreciation has a quick effect when going up
the import prices, and that it stimulates the exports. But here the first
failure of planning is, because the question is, where the European industries
that will make the products to export, are they are so most outside of europa
its products to us they billed them to us in dollars, that is to say they will
go up us the prices and our euro was also devaluated, because it is necessary
to make it if we don't want a total depression in the European economies.
To make that the euro is devaluated even more, the markets speculate
with which the BCE could begin a program of quantitative expansion that would
imply purchases to great scale of government funds. Funds that the BCE will buy
that is to say in Eurus didn't affect him the devaluation because internally he
will pay the same Eurus that first they cost 1,30 dollars and now they produced
him alone 1,15 but it is that "The sustained depreciation could be the
last real option that government's advice has left to combat the
deflation" that possibly forced the governor of the BCE to copy the action
of the Central Bank of Japan, to cause a devaluation bigger than the
depreciation can stimulate the volume of exports in the euro zone, but here my doubts
who it exported return and we begin again alone he will be able to him to make
Germany that maintains its operative industry in latent state, but that it will
happen with France and Spain and Italy like this its industrial power that they
have made to compete with the world industrial Anglo-Saxon and oriental and
here dear readers it is where the remedy arrives too much afternoon, although I
don't doubt it neither a moment is to go for this road it is the only hope of
surviving the UE and the euro.
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