miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015


They already know many of you my sentence that the independence are not gotten with votes, few are this way and those that there is are happened in colonized countries, don't doubt it they look for in the history and they will see that the old independence usually get them the citizens and unfortunately dresses and armed as soldiers revolutionaries following some arisen leaders of the town, it is certain that the most modern have no longer been necessary to organize an armed revolution to get it but in these cases more than some won independence have been given independence, I marry of the Soviet former countries.   

This is the reality if we locate ourselves at the present time they will see that there are not independence for any part neither given neither won, the last democratic intent was the independence of Scotland, because the United Kingdom accepts to propose it for means so democratic as a popular referendum you sting so that these decides its destination, and we already know the result, more voucher well-known bad than good to know. But I would not tell this that that in fact happen it is that the intention of Scotland independence was negotiated among political, and in these cases the politicians of both sides don't interest none of both to get complicated the life.  

Catalonia today is completely stopped in its autonomous objective because this it is it has jumped from the town to the political one and here the democracy ended surprisingly and when everything seemed to indicate that for her he should put on the process in the politicians' hands voted by the town like maximum representatives of feeling and of the order I repeat democratic of the Catalan. 

For democracy or for fear the question is that today the execution of the project is in the politicians' hands and this is it he makes that with all security another serious thing that is the independence of Catalonia in hands of an alone POLITICIAN one, won't arrive anywhere but as soon as the political structures enter in game there is not any possibility, so in my opinion and I reaffirm myself in my previous comments the independence it won't be gotten with votes they don't have the smallest doubt. 

They will tell me you that there are some very strong social forces and that they have demonstrated their effectiveness but alone we speak of acts of social and patriotic exaltation, acts that like it has been clear they have not been good for anything, as soon as the and the politicians have entered in game. Stability. This is the watchword that there is you auto impost the address of the Assembly National Catalan (ANC) to try to overcome the current situation in which the Catalan independentism moves, marked by the bewilderment and a not very underhanded depression. 

The dome of the ANC has received numerous critics for the sways in relation to the plans foreseen by the organization on the strategy to continue to achieve the independence, especially in the convulses previous weeks to the pact among Artur Mas and Oriol Junqueras of half-filled of January. And these critics are totally justified because without knowing very well because the Catalan society has been remote of the main objective; To claim the independence, the society has given ourselves bill that we are not claiming anything that we don't take the initiative or that we have lost it as they prefer and in this precise moment that this happened we die all of success. 

A banal success and that it has not been good for anything, the Spanish politics on Catalonia continues being the same or more bad, much worse, they are destroying us for all the sides, we lose in the education, we lose in the infrastructures, we lose in the economy, and for I finish we already lose our internal politics today nobody doubt that in the elections (if you ends up celebrating thing that I doubt) of the next one 27S won't have any majority independent because it is already mathematically impossible the vote disintegration will be such that they won't be good for nothing else that to make a headstrong Parliament, with the one that forgotten as of negotiating any independence.  

And the worst thing is that Catalonia was also in a situation of total in governability because if they don't change the things of here to then such and like one can see today in an I articulate of the (Periodico de Catalunya) a scenario of the most varied thing it is presented, and that it will be impossible of coalition we speak of eight political formations to govern single seven million inhabitants, my mother doesn't arrive neither to million for head. 

In this scenario, the entity that Carme Forcadell presides over has foreseen to fix some demanding approaches before the municipal elections of May, and also regarding the route leaf toward the autonomous elections of September. Face to the local elections, the ANC wants to convert them as much as it is possible in a previous of the appointment of the 27-S and it will demand to the lists sovereignty that commit to, if they conquer, to incorporate to the respective councils to the AMI (Associació of Municipis Independentistes) in case they are not already integrated in her. 

These ideas are a loss of time, because like he/she said before in the Catalan politics’ conglomerate, already nothing else is three left sovereignty and these more ones the other ones five that are they will play to the normal politics, and not for a political sovereignty because they know that the political disparity that he spoke before, it will impede any significant majority. It is not this the road the civil organizations they have lost the war in front of the political machineries of "two countries" if they allow me the expression that of Spain and that of Catalonia. 

Everything has worn away the spirits of the bases of the ANC that he gets ready also to celebrate internal elections in May and to raise among other positions to their president, Carme Forcadell. A process that also you prevent given convulse the existence of critical sectors. The first concretions of everything it will see each other in next month’s when they take place the local elections and later on they are recaptured, discreetly, the meetings between parties and ANC, with the purpose of to have designed a common direction as soon as possible. We will wait events but advance that or the attitude "so democratic is changed with which they slap us for all the sides" or better we let that the history makes another intent and otherwise of here to a how many centuries more.  

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