We can say that the show of the circus of the horrors that today is the economy and the Spanish politics during this year has begun he can that they are developed all a followed by elections that take at the end to the politics to the most absolute bewilderment, the previous rehearsals to the final show they aim that a show full with uncertain plots that they can finish in an authentic disaster we have already had the first of them in yesterday's Andalusian elections. If their results can mean a sample of what we are come above we are clever.
The Andalusians have voted total continuity that is to say they want that their same structures that they have been stealing them continue them stealing part of their grants to palliate the employment lack already made endemic in the community, and you wondered like it is that because it is very clear they prefer them to steal them before they come other and they take off them with promises of giving them I really work, so Andalusia has maintained its government (never rather because it governs them since they are autonomous community) because they understand that nobody more than they can understand and to cohabit with the Andalusian reality.
Because Spain doesn't go well they say what they say from the government's party and from the own government so much so that the Andalusian PP has lost anything less than 17 deputies of the 50 that he obtained in 2012 and on the contrary he has left the same 47 deputies to the socialist party that is the party that always governs them and that it is the one that pays them the subsidies.
Me the truth doesn't still know how they make it because: A. - they receive them that is to say sometimes from Madrid governing the PSOE and others as now the PP. B. - low imputation judicial two ex-presidents of the community and hundreds of private collaborators are and of union organizations for the proven graft of thousands of millions that instead of going to the workers in unemployment, they have left to their pockets or organizations, and B. - these two premises indicate that there is not any interest to solve this sangria that affects to the rest of Spain and that it lasts more than 40 years of democracy at least.
Among so much today analysis is made on the part of each concurrent political party to these elections. The European Commission and the European Central Bank (BCE) they have noticed this Monday that, in spite of the turn to the growth, of I don't know which Spanish economy, “significant imbalances” persist in her, in particular the unemployment or the high debt, and they have requested Mariano Rajoy Government in particular that continues with their calendar of reformations, with “additional measures” to reduce the segmentation in the labor market between indefinite workers and storms or the presentation of the law to liberalize the professional services.
This diagnosis is the result from the third control visit to Madrid for part the inspectors from Brussels and of the BCE after the end of the bank rescue, for which Spain received 41.300 million Eurus of its partners' of the euro zona. In the visit that took place between the 12 and March 18, they also participated experts of the European Mechanism of Stability (MEDE).
But this is a song in the sun, because if they analyzed the cases that these technicians converge in the Spanish labor recruiting they should have seen that this it is the system that the PP uses so that the statistic of the unemployment stays stable or even have a tendency to the drop.
If the system labor Spanish has to establish a balance or a stable relationship between stable works or storms the recruiting it would lower an average of 5% at least and another point would pass with the professional services that today is good to hide thousands and professionals' thousands that once finished the unemployment subsidy or capitalized they are pushed to exercise self-employed of workers but that it is reality with almost unemployed self-employed.
On the whole, Spain is benefitting of the carried out structural reformations, the fiscal consolidation and the bank recapitalization that are reflected in a growing way in the stabilization of the financial sector, a strong economic recovery and a drop pear of risk, the inspectors they point out in a combined declaration with the conclusions of its visit. But they didn't see or they didn't teach it to him that this stays here and of that the most important banks are been good to invest abroad in their expansion and in the financing of the own Spanish state, but the society of this don't go neither the shades.
"Nevertheless, significant" imbalances persist, as it stands out the report that warns that "the unemployment, in particular the juvenile one and that of long duration, continues being very high, the same as the segmentation of the labor" market and that "the public debt continues increased and to return it to the value of reference of 60% will require a long term" continuous fiscal effort. Also, the necessities to reduce the debt of the private sector continue being high and an adjustment is needed by more marked" bill current to reduce the foreign debt. In short after all this I believe that the so cackled recovery miracle and example for Europe don't leave for any side.
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