It is already official they are no longer alone my reflections and
opinions are made and these they are clear the European Union believes better
to invest outside and where my readers wondered because anything less than in
the new CHINESE economy. Until such The peak of the Chinese bank of investments darkens the plan of investment of
Juncker that outlines a combination of investments of the public sector and
deprived in that the UE starts up with 315.000 million Eurus it would rot potencies
the competitiveness of Europe preparing to the capital deprived to enlarge its
endowment until the trillion Eurus and to help this way to solve the crisis of
the employment in the UE.
But it is that the G20 has given the alarm voice on the investment lack
in the world, with levels especially preoccupant in Europe. The new European
bottom for the strategic investments that the UE wants to have clever for June,
it is in fact the cure to attract private investors mainly to impel this way
the growth in the 28 members. However, to the initiative flag of the president
of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, it has arisen him from Asia a
powerful rival, the new Asian Bank of Investments in Infrastructures that it
started last year China.
The initiative, initiate with 50.000 million capital, it was started by
the Chinese president, Xi Jinping, doesn't only stop to reinforce its influence
in the region, but also to outline a financial system alternative. Bat its
attractiveness it is such that the three main economies of the Eurozone
(Germany, France and Italy) they have announced its participation, with an
implication even more narrow than in the new European found.
This way, these three countries will become shareholders of the new bank
led by China, while in the case of the plan Juncker rejected the invitation to
contribute capital to the found, and they will only contribute through their
national development banks in concrete projects inside their frontiers, or
combined platforms of investment that is to say to help the UE in an indirect
way that is to say first me and later me and if it serves you well as something
and if not also.
Plus still, the United Kingdom, the main economy of the UE outside of
the euro zona, he has not become the first western partner community in being
added to the new bank of Asian development. And of course the government of
David Cameron continues without giving any indication of wanting to bring
closer the shoulder in the European found.
In spite of the power of attraction of the new Chinese instrument, from
the Commission and the European Bank of Investment (EIB) they don't consider it
like a "threat" for the new European investment found. A community
spokesman valued the increase of the investment in Asia in infrastructures,
since also he opens business opportunities for European companies in the
region. Pity that maybe obviate that he makes stronger to the Asian economy it
sews that certainly he won't help to the European global economy, if to the
companies and investors that participate
Regarding the priority given by the British Government to the Chinese found,
instead of the European, community sources explain that in the current climate
British pre electoral, Cameron doesn't want to give "any sign" that
he is moving more near the UE. Other European sources remember that the United
Kingdom doesn't have a development bank up to now as that of other European
partners, and that it has been the vehicle used by the capitals to channel its
participation. The leaders of the UE will in fact ask tomorrow to reinforce the
coordination between the EIB and the national ICO.
They can paint it of colors but the reality is that
the own community of European countries has clear that the social economic
imbalances and mainly of productivity they are as always in salvable Europe I
say it is concentrated on the center and the rest is a load that the own UE has
already left in two. Alone there is a solution to this tangle and it is alone
Russia, if Russia makes the decision of guiding its economic and social future
toward being part of Europe this it could survive, like an enough economy and
of world character to the height of the USA and China or Asia, but I fear myself
that mistakenly Russia will also fall in hands of the east economy.
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