I have always said
that the globalization is the wrong of our time I would compare it partly with
the Machine of Vapor or even with the Dynamite both products changed the world
that is to say there for the ends of the XVIII century the first one and in the
IXX the second, although in a different way and in different time, they brought
to the western society the industrialization and the development toward the
modernity, in fact they changed the world completely opening the way to an
acceleration that if we look back it is enormous the technological advances
from their respective appearances accelerate changing everything in a part for
well and in another for bad but it is evident that it should be this way.
Well the
globalization is the machine of vapor and the dynamite meetings and at the same
time, in one century so single occident changes the factories entirely, the
highways, the railroad, the extraction of petroleum, they are impossible to
imagine without the intervention of both discoveries and its application. Well
the globalization didn't make another thing that to pass over all that gotten
in a part from the world to the other one the problem has been as raisin in all
the evolutions first they are slow, later they are productive for who they
direct them and finally they are saturated and I eat now they become a problem
instead of a solution.
The globalization
converted China in 'the factory of the world', fundamentally, for the low
production costs that he offered and to the contribution of the technology that
the western rich world transmitted him to make non-Chinese business but
occident. Thanks to it during enough time (but this time it no longer arrives
neither to one century). The companies have been able to enlarge their margins
of benefit thanks to the cheap thing that it left them to manufacture in the
plants of this country and to sell these expensive products in their rich
world. But the situation is already changing. The Chinese workers begin to
obtain an improvement of salaries and conditions of life that it is taking to
the companies to look for that differential again in the manpower they go
another time to change place the globalization.
The bad thing now
is that we are already more to globalizer we will no longer take out now profit
of it the Westerners the movement globalized he will make without leaving Asia,
this transverse of work load will move toward places with smaller labor costs
and here they enter in scene Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar or Laos, with a high
base of young population and a middle class not as strong as China. The experts
already come a "transformation" in the region that is part of the
development of the Association of Nations of the Asian Southeast (ANSA) as
"third pillar" of the growth, after the emergence of China and the
In their analysis,
they identify as winning factor the conjunction of three specific
characteristics of the region. On one hand, the already the workers' mentioned
low cost in countries like Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos. For other, the highly
efficient factories of Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Philippines. And,
lastly, the segment of more sophisticated producers in Singapore and Malaysia.
To this he sinks the measure that he will go into effect at the end of this
year to unify the market of the area ANSA. The ten countries that form it
(Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos,
Myanmar and Vietnam) they will allow from December of 2015 the free circulation
of goods, services, capital and work among the states member that add more than
600 million inhabitants.
And arrived to
this point I always return to my reasoning that we will make the alone
Europeans we are 340 million we are saturated of everything and we will no
longer be able to go to sell Asia inside little because they happened to us for
before their products to the step that we go will end up or working for them or
serving them as waiters footballers and even as immigrants as cheap manpower.
Where is our future? it is this the one that I have just drawn we don't have
other we are hypothetically in the center of the world on one hand we have it
lauds USA to the south Africa to the east Asia, China, the India that we have
left to stay like we are and to wait that they subsidize us buying us our debt
and all our history so that at the same time we can be their final sad
consumers the cradle of the western civilization doesn't find it.
As the economists
of the Bank estimate ANZ, of here at 2030 the change toward these countries on
the part of the foreign multinationals and also of the own Chinese companies it
will be complete. We "believe that they will remove China their throne of
'factory of the world' in the next ones ten or fifteen years, as the companies
move to take advantage of the cheap and abundant manpower in areas like that of
the Great Mekong (southeast of Asia) ", they explain in an analysis picked
up by Bloomberg.
Because this it is
the time that we have left to make the great Europe of which I always write
that is to say the union of interests and of politicians between the UE and the
Russian republic is not another exit because Russia doesn't neither have
another exit when Chinese collapses the expansion of her economy toward the
Asian southeast he was not him more than to conquer the big steppes and wealth
of Russia and certainly Russia won't be able to oppose any resistance they are
single 140 millions of Russian, however if we were able to make them to see and
to believe that they are more European than Asian, we could create one strong
Europe it authenticates with more than 500 million inhabitants, with some
autochthonous natural resources with an advanced technology and it would be
this way the only way to balance the first and political economic world blocks
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