martes, 28 de abril de 2015


More than 1,5 millions of having used on time partial in Spain they would want to work more hours and they are not able to, to this he is considered under occupation that said otherwise it is not in times of elections he would call himself hidden unemployment he looks at this it is as simple as that if this 1,56 millions of half employees you uses total on time there would be 750,000 stopped more to the statistics of the government of the PP. 

This that I expose is not that it is a surprise it is that it is a serious problem because I believe sincerely that the government advises it to the companies the Big ones and all to those that it can influence because it can falsify this way the unemployment index. The problem is in that the situation will be prolonged more or less until first of 2016. I suppose me that in the first trimester of the 2016, if Rajoy has really proclaimed general elections in order to this year 2015, as yesterday he manifested they will have finished the deceit politicians and trick that in all the environments today is taking to term they will leave to an entire quantity of data and indexes that can cause one floats it authenticates national debacle. 

Not alone it is the labor precariousness of the workers they are also that is to say it the poor hard-working calls all those that "work" neither it is known in that to be able to be less poor than the poor ones and another great drama that approaches is also the bubble of autonomous that the PP is creating almost to the force the offers so that the stopped ones stop to be it to spend to the world of the managers it is an atrocity of such a caliber that when the offers of discounts of taxes or capitalizations of unemployment conclude it will exploit a bag of stopped enormous. 

It is so much the government's pressure in this respect that the last offer that I have read it is that The autonomous managers that are victims of the terrorism will enjoy during 5 years of a rate reduced in the Special Régime of the Autonomous Workers, as it will pick up the autonomous Worker's Statute whose report was presented in the Council of Secretaries, he has informed the Ministry of the Interior. It is an initiative impelled by the Ministry of the Interior then and that it is framed inside the administration developed by the General Address of Support to Victims from the Terrorism of integral attention to people that have suffered the terrorist violence.  

This is a good action I don't question it but I find it that it is another stratagem so that who is welcomed this, he stopped "that" I don't know to get paid what it is but for sure something stays to expense that the one affected by terrorism manages them alone if it leaves very stupendous and if it leaves he will not well possibly have gotten lost everything. I have said it more than once the autonomous one, (I have been many years) it is or a collegiate professional that is to say lawyer prescribes architect etc. Or it is simply that is to say an intermediate step to the being manager that professional that dominates his profession very well and in a market of stable and normal work he leaves his employment and he rushes to create his own and new small enterprise. 

But this is alone possible if there is an economy that maintains a normal labor level what bears consumption and opportunities for all but when this is not this way the autonomous one the risk he runs of being a stopped car subsidized with a lot of luck because so that an autonomous one works it is necessary that there is demand of their specialty and if the context economic general is of I don't consummate the autonomous one he doesn't work and he doesn't obtain resources and however if it produces expenses trying to look for works. 

You cannot arrive to the paroxysm that the government's economic team saying an and another time that you is leaving the crisis and one cannot make because there are a lot of people that needs that this is true and he believes it to him and this that is not bad, because if he can send a sensation of hope, he stops to be it when this can induce to take family personal risks that it is it they make government's ministries that it encourages until that of interior to that you kill them of the terrorism they become autonomous. 

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