Greece begins to already be in poor taste maybe a joke he doesn't have so
much importance as to speak every day of them, but I believe that if it is it,
because sincerely the strategy of Greece to solve (or not) its economic
situation is not logical inside some political norms of respect and education
among nations. The first Greek minister, Alexis Tsipras, and the German
chancellor, Angela Merkel, they have agreed to narrow the contact to reach an
agreement on the debt that tortures Athens. Disapproving the minister
declarations completely Varoufakis who three days ago he laughed and it
insulted of all the minister of finances of the euro group.
To the view in a phone conversation this Sunday, both leaders
"expressed their will of maintaining a stable communication along the
negotiations to achieve a solution that is beneficial soon for both",
according to an official source. The tension has increased in the last days,
after the disagree in the meeting of the Euro group in Riga of the Greek
minister of Finances, Yanis Varoufakis, with its European colleagues that were
shown very critical with its attitude.
Of not sealing an agreement soon for unblock of a new tract of the rescue,
Greece would enter in risk that to be left without liquidity in weeks. The
minister economic Europeans have demanded to Athens that, to receive this
financial help, he will have to commit to carry out a plan of economic
reformations that it doesn't like the new Government of Syriza. The official
source has informed that the groups of negotiation of Greece and the 'troika' they
will maintain a videoconference this Monday with the purpose of accelerating
the dialogue in search of agreements on Wednesday.
Frankly I find very infantile this game and I don't like it, neither on the
part of Greece neither on the part of the euro group, I don't consider logical
that a country is the one that is, in fact use to the state and for it to all
its society, like a society hostage of its political plans, be endorsed or not
for some votes given by the immense majority by some people that don't have the
enough intellectual capacity to be able to judge them, the vote it is something
that a politician for very stupid that is it is not so that he seeks protection
in him to say and to make the foolishness that he makes, maxim when the wrong
that it produces him it won't affect at all.
You cannot play to the double letter that if it loses the stake it is the
town the one that loses and if it wins he is the clever minister the one that
makes it and they lose the other towns that configure the euro group, because
the thing is this way, just as the things are or Greece goes by the same levels
that must pass all it costs them what costs them, or Greece should be rejected
by all the harmed societies, because they don't doubt it I can understand that
in countries like Spain Portugal and Italy can have a lot of part of the
society that this in favor of the posture of Greece, because in them the
society is passing it very bad but I believe that here in Spain, for example,
the society knows that what happens to us is for our governments' blame, so
much those that have passed as the one that now is happening.
This doesn't give us right to act as an irresponsible one and to threaten
to destroy everything if they don't pay us the broken plates that it is in
definitive of what is, I believe that nr. Spain the same as Greece has been
thirty years old for restructurers to become an adjusted productive industrial
economy and balanced so much in its territory, like in its processes of
obtaining of resources, I explain to myself Spain he could have chosen the
creation of companies of production taking advantage of its low wages but not,
the governments of right of the PP chose the industry of the real estate
speculation and the privatization of the industries of services of national
character, to benefit themselves and it leaves of their friends and
In Greece step the same Greece was in hands of two families (and two Party
trap) one for each family, exactly the same thing that here not passed with the
parties with the families that were not two but many more, I explain all this
because today something has passed that Greece has had to keep Mr. Hide and to
make that the Dr. Jekyll seeks to fix the topic with the chancellor Angela
Merkel, frankly this like I come saying he already gives pain, I don't know how
it finished finally but that that if I can tell them it is that in no way it
cannot finish well.
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