miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015


In the last two months the rate of the futures of petroleum is registering violent movements in very short spaces of time. Today he plays day of collapse of prices. USA has published a new record of its reservations of raw, fair the same day that Saudi Arabia has announced an increase of its production that also reaches a goal non view. This way, the West Texas (of reference in USA) he falls more than 4% until the 51 dollars. On the other hand, the Brent (of reference in Europe) it corrects more than 3% until the 57 dollars. 

Incomprehensibly before this bear panorama, Arabia Saudi has elevated its production of petroleum to a maximum of 10,3 million barrels daily in the month of March, as it indicated to the press the minister of Petroleum of the country, Ali al-Naimi. This way, the production of raw of Arabia Saudi would have overcome the maximum of 10,2 million barrels to the day registered in August of 2013. Hardly some weeks before, Naimi had estimated the production in near 10 million barrels daily, about 350.000 above what Arabia Saudi said that it had pumped in February. The country takes place more than the 10% of the raw one of the world.  

This increment in the production reaffirms the commitment of Arabia Saudi of not giving market quota to producing of more cost, as the giants from Russia or United States. Arabia Saudi and other members of the Organization of Countries Exporters of Petroleum (OPEC) they have refused to clip the production to help to bolster the prices of the raw one to in fact avoid him to win land in the market the most expensive petroleum of extracting and of I refine. It is a position difficult to sustain because if it is certain that they avoid that other producers eat them market quota it is also certain that their revenues fall in a sustainable alone way for the fact of the immense quantities of petroleum that they possess in their underground. 

From June of 2014 until January of 2015 the petroleum followed a clearly bear tendency, the raw one it lost more than 50% of its value. But from February until today, the petroleum has moved between the 44 and 55 dollars to they are of the data and events that affect to the industry. The same as today he plays session of severe corrections, yesterday and the precedent day they were some days of strong ascents. Saudi Arabia announced that the demand was intensifying and he took advantage the price of the raw one that exports Asia to increase. That measure next to the technical impediments that limit the imminent entrance from the Iranian petroleum to the market shot the futures of the petroleum more than 6% in a single session. 

But like it was of waiting today had corrected because what will happen is an authentic mess that seemingly goes against the whole market logic they will see if really to the market he will incorporate the Iranian petroleum the logical thing it was that lowers the prices, since if short term there will be more offer that today is not, and as the demand he doesn't give signs of increasing for the situation of some stagnated world economies the market laws they teach us that the prices should fall without fail. 

I don't know how many barrels it will put in the market Iran, but that that if I am sure it is that it fought with prices or with several conditions to that their petroleum is blindfolded because for the Iranian country that up to now could not sell its petroleum to the we tell rich world this new situation it represents him to obtain some benefits of 100% it is which is the price to that it blindfolds it. 

On the contrary I begin to understand the Vladimir Putin bad genius that is evident that they are crucifying him, to him and Russia because they make you Russia announcement that this 2015 would produce the same quantity of petroleum in spite of the fall of prices count well this is very valiant but the reality is more or less the following one: Russia produces about 10,5 million barrels a day this is the production sustained more or less so for some years if we keep in mind the last prices of the barrel that it was on the 115 dollars in its high part we can calculate that he obtained some revenues of 1,207 million dollars daily. 

Well if we give for good that the new prices of the barrel of petroleum move between the 44 and the 55 dollars barrel from June 2014 to January 2015 and keeping in mind the possible entrance of Iranian petroleum could estimate a price of 50 dollars barrel this to Russia supposes him that is to say some revenues of the order of 525 million dollars daily he lost to enter 680 million dollars a day, or what is practically 244,800 million dollars year, the same quantity moor o lees  that Greek debt, Alexis Tsipras will have gone today to request him he helps, I don't believe that the Greek president has chosen the best day to converse with Putin.  

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