domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012


For the Spanish economy, the long swindle and later nationalization of BFA-Bankia is alone the principle of a new wave of problems for the Spanish banking that alone it will conclude I fear myself with the rescue of the country. And I don't say it alone for the problem of the banking, but for the whole economy of Spain that is destroyed by the governments' that have gone from 1978 blame. The governments of the PSOE and of the PP they have never been political statesmen, but merely ambitious and taken advantage of characters that were devoted to exploit the benefits of the entrance of Spain in the European circuits after Franco's death. 

Not alone it is the banking the one that is in among having said, although now it is the acoustic speaker that accuses the unnatural situation that is exploiting us in the face. It is impossible that an economy of the size of Spain possesses four systemic banks, since all our GDP is unable to sustain neither to one alone of them, it happens to us with the banks, like with the trains AVE, we have more than Germany and France meetings, countries that bend us in GDP notice well they bend us in economic resources.   

But they don't finish the misfortunes to that our rulers have met us here, be which is their color or tendency, it is that in combination with them, it has been created by means of the convenience between friends or relatives, the creation of a "private" net of companies, all them based alone in the services and that they don't add added value some to the productive economy, they are simply you scheme of sucking rates and money to the Spanish town, for example Telefónica, Iberdrola, Enel, REE, Endesa etc.  

There is another group of companies of the same foundation origin that has been devoted to explode and to despoil the benefits that today drags us to the European intervention, that is to say they are the real estate monsters, and manufacturers of empty and useless infrastructures that not alone they don't create wealth but rather they have created the debt garbage, and the unjustified costs that today has to eat up you and me friend reader. I refer to: ACS, Ferroviales, FCC, Works, OHL, Meter Bacesa, Abertis, Natural Gas, Repsol etc. 

The whole fabric industrial and economic Spanish is false, neither in the banks there is the money that they need, neither the industrial fabric can be sustained in Spain, because there is not base some of production neither of export, when we read in the newspapers of economy that ACS for example, it will build a bridge in such or which foreign country, I begin to cry because that that in fact says, it is that it will finance with money to Spanish credit, a work abroad that it got paid when he can, and that it didn't also occupy neither a single manpower Spanish unemployed, I roast if it will make a money that neither we will see neither it will be good us here for anything.   

This is the reality of Spain that reality that it doesn't like that he is discovered, and for that reason the or the shift governments make the impossible thing to hide it, until the end of the bubble arrives and everything explodes and it is that this it is the reality, it is not the Banking it is only the hit capacity that has exploded also, this was what sustained the false greatness of the Spanish managerial fabric.   

And they don't create that this apocalyptic vision of the national truth of our managers and political and capitalist masters be alone an impression of my gotten worked up mind, by no means. The Spanish banking will need up to 250.000 million Eurus this year to fulfill the capital obligations imposed by the European Bank Authority (EBA). "With the Spanish economy in abrupt contraction and with the unemployment ascending, it is unavoidable that the Government has to rescue banks. But this alone it is a piece of the puzzle. Without growth, the Spanish State will need a rescue for itself." 

And the silly question is from where Spain will take out it governs who governs the necessary money to cover these holes, more those that there is already created for example as the cost of the unemployment, without an industrial source that produces wealth. Because they believe you that Spain is the country that smaller company has, and more autonomous in proportion there is of Europa, a cause is the lack of managerial education of the risk, and another that the government and the politicians don't favor the creation and expansion of companies, really. 

The only ones that we have are reminiscences of the false privatization of the companies of services of public administration, the big Spanish companies derive of services ministerial publics, Telefónica, Renfe, the electric ones, the companies of civil work, and those of administration of services, it dilutes, light, gas, petroleum the case of Repsol for example, then some of sanity and the banking are.    

This can justify it for the following reasoning: All the big national companies are to the politics’ service, as nurses and cemetery of elephants, all are created by means of the state, passing over them to friends or former politicians that follow some functions that toward the state, until the European general pressure and World cup advised to change the outline, but notice that none has created industrial clusters, they have been limited to make that exactly they made. 

Examples: Telefónica, it has created some company of phone apparatuses, it is put creating parallel investigation in chips, computer programs, it has created some Spanish mark of computers, no, it is limited to make that he made give voice service and data through the net that continues maintaining that yes improving. The electric ones are still the most serious case, not alone they have not created development, but rather they have made the impossible thing to annihilate the intents of the renewable energy, creating a disorder of such a magnitude that has been killed the profitability and the desires of national development of companies of this technology. 

The construction companies and structures, they have not made nothing else that to build what the government has told them, but they have not developed anything but, knowing that in Spain there would not be more place for highways and freeways neither AVE. the business died and they have left all, without leaving another industry here of what was that maintained employment or development, cars, trucks, mechanical stairways, what is, and this way anyone of the branches of the big industrial structures of this country. They are not worth me in this case ZARA and "The English Cut” that he would say that they are the exception that justifies the rule, and I believe that it is this way because their products have never made them the state. 

This is the reality and the colophon of the situation of death for suicide of this country, their tremendous centralization, their political selfishness, its imperial reminiscence that should circulate for the blood of many big families and Spanish politicians, has prevented that Spain was developed outside of its it guides, when the II republic happened I don't leave it to him neither to attempt it, you dynamites with a brutal civil war, you continuous with a dictatorship that returned everything again to its place, and when this it died, you maid the current state that neither it is free, neither democratic, it not even governs for the Spaniards but its alone Spain it stops his. 

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