domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012


The totally manipulated opinion of the economic world and politician continues like they make today everybody using words and descriptions outside of the reality he attempts with it to minimize effects or to increase them if it is the case but the problem is that with so much manipulation the things lose its true dimension and meaning, maybe it is what is sought but this is an error that bears serious consequences. 

Now the political and economic theory is that the "recessions" are happened this it is a solemn foolishness the recessions gentlemen economists the recessions they are not happened they arise and they are overcome and if it doesn't happen this way that is to say the recessions you happens like they seek to make us believe what really happens it is that there is a DEPRESSION installed in the market economy and productive that makes that the "recessions" cannot be overcome they understand it truth. 

Greece, Portugal and Ireland-the trio of subjected outlying countries to programs of adjustments of the troika of UE, BCE and IMF - they have carried out enormous efforts in the last two years in search of the call internal, indispensable devaluation it was said, to close the breach of competitiveness with Germany and to anchor their presence definitively in the monetary union. But it has not been what has happened it is this way that the problems of these countries have been increased and with it polluted to other, Spain and Italy, and the politicians continue with the same medicine and the result will be the same one, the following country in entering in DEPRESSION it will be and so forth France. 

Each country "intervened" so far has reduced its unitary, such labor costs and like it was requested. In the case of Ireland and Greece, they have been carried out respective cuttings of 15% and 17% of the nominal wages. Portugal (the same as Spain) it has improved their competitiveness so far without big cuttings of wages thanks to increases of the productivity - production for working hour -, fruit mainly of the employment destruction.  

But a logic failure exists in the European strategy. If a single country clips wages and it clips its internal demand to correct an external deficit and to grow for the road of the exports, the play can work, if they make it two, maybe also. But if all they make it the question it is obvious to the one whom they will place their products because their consumption decreases but the one of to the side also and he also makes you the competition in costs, the infernal curl this served, the result is DEPRESSION.   

This is already drawn in the last results on the European economic activity. The second European recession from the 2008 doesn't exist, it is the Great European depression that has settled down as consequence of the inefficacy of the solutions applied to leave a simple recession that the own European economy causes to save about 300 thousand million Eurus of sovereign debt, we have arrived to a situation that valued for above it overcomes the necessary mobilization of about 3 trillion Eurus. 

He means this that there is not left then you look if real measures are not applied this it is evidently the situation any country he will be able to leave their depression if all europa is in depression that I believe that it is clear and also if all less europa one, Germany, begins to reduce costs expenses and consumption, the thing arrived until drowning to the own Germany, this it is the alternative to think about: Or Europe becomes aware that it is a market unit and therefore of economy, financial, politics, etc. and it puts 3 trillion Eurus on the table of the BCE. Or he breaks down in independent nations in everything: economically, financially, and politically so that each one thinks about their own competitiveness in front of the markets and their trade act on its industry its consumption and mainly on the competition in the neighboring and distant markets without having to keep discipline some to a single organization commanded by a single economy and politics, I eat up to now. 

My solution would be to opt for the first option and for it the thing is quite simple they will see you I have said it in numerous occasions the GDP of the euro area it is a little but of 12 trillion Eurus and me alone I request 3 trillion that which means 25% of the GDP and this who has to put it not at all Europe has to pay it the markets speculators. 

As you they will say very simple, they will see it is an absolute swindle that the international market maintains to the Euro, it sights of an union that doesn't work that is in galloping depression that today breaks and tomorrow not, a foreign currency that doesn't have capacity for if alone of making what wants, because it is not of anybody, not even of the BCE that is unable to dictate a coherent monetary politics because it is in hands of the pressures of the Bundesbank and other central banks, very since with everything it is concretely it the strongest foreign currency in the world absurd truth on Friday he closed that is to say to 1.25 dollars for 1 euro the euro on the patron foreign currency of the world 25% more valued is it is like I say one it authenticates swindle and a control that the speculators and the international markets are staying. 

Therefore if this is clear the exit to this tangle is that the BCE manufactures 3 trillion very new Eurus and for the same reason when going up the monetary mass devaluates the euro 25% and you finishes the problem the debt it is recomposed in Eurus and he settles down an I authenticate plan of reactivation of the production in europa with the help of performances under the control and public administration repeating with it what I finish with the Great depression of the 29 with the American president's measures Delano Roosevelt and its New Deal. 

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