domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012


With the beginning of the new year, United States one can it faces to a widespread increase of taxes, the end of the benefits to the unemployment for two million people, and strong cuttings of the expense that nobody wants but that they will start automatically unless a new legislation impedes it. It is what today threatens the world stability what has been given in calling (fiscal cliff). 

This would mean a small or great disaster, according to they want to see it the optimistic or pessimistic economists that the United States has to recompose its debt structure and deficit for law, it is not nothing else that what is making the europa of the euro, that yes lawless but with agreements and political and economic pressures. The problem of the fiscal abyss is not such for the United States, it is it for the European economy that has lost its hegemony and independence, and now it is not nothing else that a subordinate of the Dollar, and if this he has to be adjusted because next Monday December 31 the government will reach his end of debt of 16,3 billion dollars, and there is not amplification agreement, they will go into effect a group of extraordinary measures to correct this debt situation and deficit that can make stagger to europa and the euro and indirectly to the economy of the whole world. 

Of the one feared fiscal abyss taking place, the economy of United States would suffer and most of analysts consider that he would enter in recession and, with her, the world economy could follow the same path. But what they don't say, is that the measures to take would rebound to very short term in an improvement of the American economy that would be balanced sensibly when making this correction it stops better, for example: The GDP would be located in 2014 at the current level another time that is to say to 3.5%. The unemployment that will have ascended until 9% will return to 8% to decrease year to year. The fiscal deficit would be located in 2.5% in front of the current 7.8% this improvement it is substantial. And the debt will finally undertake the one on the way to the reduction in almost 2%, to continue falling year after year. 

The since problem is not so much in the United States as they seem to want to sell us the agents of the financial markets, so that we worry and let us begin to lose the patience and the money that evidently are ready to pick up to invest it in products that saved us of the hecatomb that doesn't exist, and that without a doubt it filled them the pockets to the same rhythm that they empty them to us, and it is that the reality is not another that now it is necessary to make money with the misfortunes, because there already is not more markets where to market, the general saturation that the globalization has taken place, tight the whole economic evolution and of markets, so it formulates it this white it is necessary to bet to the drop, because it can no longer have rises. 

This way the things the collapse is single question of some few years, not more than five I dare to predict, and arrived to this point, the world today he doesn't still know that he will make, it can pass of everything that explodes in a thousand pieces, or that he returns to a certain organization medieval type where they close markets and continents to build some closed economies, bunquerizadas would say me, where the societies you car regulates with its own markets and productions, or that definitively the Mayan are right and although with delay the world ends, because we toss everything to rotate, the certain thing is that indeed everything aims that the world finishes, but the good thing is that at the moment the world doesn't know as finishing.  

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