sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013


Something fails it is a lot of time 50 years so that those dreams, not alone the one that had Luther King, but all those that we had the humanity for that time have not been carried out neither one, I believe that the current situation not alone it is the same one, but rather it has worsened. The poverty advances, the emigration this bolted, the wars in a way or another continues, the alone politics doesn't fix anything but rather such it seems that it complicates it. I was also sleepy mister King, maybe of another color that his but dreams of a more good, more sure, and happier life, to be able to be left this way it to my children and grandsons, but it cannot be, at the alone end we will leave nightmares. 

We don't make more than to give turns and turns to the same things moving them of place or of place, but we continue with wars, with poverty, and with injustices to skillful and sinister, in these 50 years we have created a third world, we already had it but we didn't recognize it, maybe because it was too big and too poor but he didn't scare us, when little by little it began us to eat up for the feet, we invent it to us to soften the reality, we no longer wanted them to be rejected and poor, we gave this way them name, you are the third world like saying: calm alone there are two for above his. 

And maybe we made it well but it was insufficient, so we continue making see that we made something and we pass part of the third world, to locate them in the scale of emergent world, that is to say we recognized that they were sunk in the mud and to those that it came out them the head we begin them to he called emergent, another scale: first world, second world, emergent, and third world. At the end me alone you to see clear which the first world is, but I have difficulties to locate a second, because now I believe that we have eaten it to us, or said otherwise he has eaten it to him the emergent world that once taken out the head of the bottom of the mud has sprouted with a force that will be very difficult to stop it. 

The reality now according to my opinion it is that in all ways it continues opening three worlds, I would say that they are: those that dominate the economies of the other ones, those that have kept the face of silly when seeing that they depend on all less than themselves, and those that don't know what to make with their own world. In this last stadium I want to refer to the Islamic world, their religious absurdities, make them headstrong among themselves, and enter themselves they have been created other three worlds in turn, the rich ones, the theocrats, and those that die and they kill for those some or for the other ones that unfortunately are more those. 

And the other worlds don't know what to make, we look ourselves at them among astonished and afraid because we cannot make anything, you cannot fight against the religion and much less when among this same religion, it is presented with so many variables that are enough reason to face among them. Seen this way, the only thing that I believe that it should be made it is to leave and to leave that this worlds of religions and beliefs almost without end, you reconverting in a single world, we cannot interfere for very thrilling that seems us what is happening, it is in these moments an useless and dangerous interference to try to understand what the own Muslims are not able to join and to interpret as their only spiritual and of course social world. 

On the other hand neither we should leave that this without reason, this confusion, overflows us and end up breaking our social outlines and of associative and economic life that I am trying to say, in synthesis that if there are wars and slaughters among this world convulse, we should not interfere neither to use the force to turn off a fire without control because this form of acting doesn't make that the embers fade, and it sprouts with more virulence at the little time, the Islamic world, Muslim, Arabic as they love each other to denominate they should elucidate their problems among them it costs what costs them.  

Western, oriental gentlemen don't doubt it, Christian, atheists, Buddhists, or what we are each one, is not able to, we don't intervene again, to allow to sleep during a time more this reality that destroys towns, societies, and the worse human lives, but it is that it is necessary to understand that it is their life, their religion, their beliefs, and before this we cannot fight, alone they can end up finishing with their own conflicts and alone, if we intervene we cover the burning embers with dry earth again, and when very conceited we believe that we have turned off them the blazes they will reborn with more force, also fed by their reason, that that he will tell them that all those that it passes them are those damned western, oriental infidels' blame, Christian, atheists, Buddhist etc. that they enter in their lives and their beliefs. They already come 50 years ago Mister King he had a dream, and me today I still have nightmares   

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