miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013


The situation to which you has arrived in Spain is from such a general deterioration that is no longer support in that to hold on to the salvation possibility is absolutely null, to the economic crisis he has been united the distrust of the society toward its politicians because they have seen that not alone they stole them metaphorically speaking its well to be but rather they have put it to him in its average bills in fiscal paradises or in its pockets directly, arrived to this point one search solutions and the truth is that he doesn't find them this is what is passing to the Spanish nation.    

And to this situation, much more serious that the one that are in 2011 he is already spent the time of being recomposed, I believe sincerely that at one time past, europa, the euro group, was willing to help Spain and its economy in collapse, today this opportunity has gotten lost completely because in view of the few advances in economy become worse the labor ones with an unemployment every time but bolted and to the conscience of all the governments of the CE that Spain is not of trusting but just the opposite it is a cave of thieves. 

That rescue that the government refused to assume because it was a lot it that politically had to lose, to the final today it has lost it and he has also brought us until this moment of final point, Spain had like I say a road, to be rescued and intervened by the euro group, today I believe sincerely that this road has closed and it is very not very probable that is reopened again, I also believe that the government knows it and us the hidden thing, (the same thing that made the PSOE with the crisis, thing that also made for fear and for shame) that the problem now is that this inconsistent situation, takes us toward a road impossible to continue because it is impassable for the economy and the poor Spanish democracy. 

Spain already has alone a vehicle to traffic for the world that is the euro, no longer has other, the glory the greatness the political honesty, it has lost it, and with it this vehicle has been left without fuel, in full ascent of the national economic hill, but the government the politicians the same ones that persist and that they have brought us until here it seeks to go up it pushed with the help of the arms of the Spaniards deceiving us and enslaving us bundles to some absurd and impossible bills for the real economy of Spain and neither we can the Spaniards neither the politicians are good for the haulage of the vehicle, because every time it weighs more, and for its own inertia it pushes us behind march, the curious thing is that the government the politicians continue comfortably mounted in him and certainly they don't get tired at all. 

For it unconsciously seek to continue for the one on the way to the sacrifice of the Spanish slaves loading them with the responsibility of lifting the damned vehicle of the euro, to see if they get thanks to their sacrifice to go up it at the end of the hill until locating it in the plane and comfortable area of the road, from where already another time the politicians direct the operations again, being thanked the by the carried out effort, but it is that this road is impossible to continue, as the sacrificed muleteers (for not using the definition of slaves) they go retaining the fall they go being left without forces and they faint with him every time there are less forces to throw and to tolerate the fall, it is that simple. 

Every time there is more unemployment, every time there is less consumption, every time there is more deficit, every time there is more debt, every time there is more weight to support and every time there are less forces to achieve it, the problems not already increase alone the economic ones but the social ones, the desperation, the disillusion, and the frustration, they are the reality that the civil society goes instead of false spirits that the crisis has played bottom that already but this year the one that comes will leave of this. For the god love to leave this Spain should grow as minimum to 2.5%, and simply for not falling more to 1.3% we are with luck to -1.2% there is not exit we have to lift the GDP 2.5% this is impossible with the scarce national industry and with so many useless stealing us, with this position you cannot continue. 

Today the GDP of Spain is already more or less below the billion Eurus in 900.000 millions and lowering the debt is in 800.000 Eurus and going up the point of encounter of both chapters this to little less than six months, because the debt is increased alone for the chapter of interests about 50,000 annual millions more another figure seemed by the costs of grants to the unemployment pensions and budgetary deficits, and the GDP will fall according to the optimistic forecasts 1.2% in the 2013 to yes that he stayed in about 880.000 millions and the debt will have ascended in 2013 with all security to the same quantity this country he/she cannot survive with an equivalent debt 100% of its GDP. 

Those that we truly live the reality and we hear that one requests that they descend the salary conditions to improve, we should say coarse, because that we will improve, if they are still lowered more the salaries.  Spain will change and to let that this impish country falls until he smashes completely, with its included politicians, without any type of scruples one cannot have any consideration with those that an and another time, they demonstrate that alone they worry about its interest and its shame.  

Alone they are two roads: One is to get the government from Spain to enter in reason he abandons his attitude and request help. Two if he doesn't want help it is necessary to abandon the euro area and the euro of course and to reestablish the economy of the 60 it is necessary to return behind urgently, before they break the hope of the civil society before the pressure of the lies of the politicians, because if this arrives, the most logical thing is that we catch the stones of the road and we undertake it by stoning another time, those some against the other ones didn't want to see it frankly. 

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