lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013


The Greek economy registered in the second trimester of 2013 a fall of the gross interior product (GDP) of 4,6% regarding the same period of the previous year, what supposes the twentieth serial trimester in recession of the Hellenic country, according to the data published by the Statistical Office of Greece (Elstat). The fall of the GDP observed in the second trimester represents a deceleration in the fall of the economic activity in Greece, since it is as always the less bad fact from the third trimester of 2011.pero I say before this type of data it is that these percentages are false because simply every time there are less companies, employments and consumption, to fall 

The rate of unemployment of Greece reached last month of May a record of 27,6%, tenth six more than in April and almost four points more than in May of 2012, when it was located in 23,8%. These data are already unrecoverable they have become for work and grace of the European economic reality a concentrated systemic problem in three countries that if Spain Greece and Portugal. But that doesn't alleviate anything the situation to seek that Greece fixed its depression state with the euro it is an utopia that possibly interests him to maintain alive to Germany and its banks but they and the Greeks make a mistake if they determine to continue for this road. 

In comparison with May of 2010, when Greece was rescued by the troika, the figure of unemployed has been increased 129,4%. Then the rate of unemployment of the Hellenic country was located in 12%. In the case of those smaller than 25 years, the unemployment rate corresponding to last month of May was located in 64,9%, the highest among the countries of the UE, in front of 55,1% had registered for one year. Before this that is sought to wait to the elections of September in Germany to fix it I believe that not maybe after those elections Germany decides to assume the losses of the Greek debt and then he allowed to fall to the country of the euro. 

I don't like to write of this matter one for the Greeks and other because their development resembles each other a lot to that of Spain and all that can happen there can bounce here in all ways me without right some certainly wants to go to the Greek town that I believe that they will be in favor of what I want to expose: for what reason do they want to continue in the euro? The disproportion of real economy of Greece cannot pay the internal maintenance of an euro that continues costing 1.3 dollars, and not alone it doesn't prune to tolerate it but rather I believe sincerely that it is he very harmful Greece he should become a deferential country in the CE, he should become something similar to “Andorra” a special place where they not have its system economic chord with its own wealth that of the euro from the euro to which they never arrived. 

In fact already today the Greeks mainly but also the Portuguese ones and the Spaniards don't already have also the same form of life that they can have the Germans it is not already that neither the Belgians neither the Danish ones and certainly neither of the French, and I don't refer to the character or the idiosyncrasy of the society but to the economic possibility of sustaining it at the same level this is a total reality that you leave and of what way in Greece I believe sincerely that if it is continued deceiving them to them and at the same time to us those that we are still in the euro area at the end will happen that he/she already makes more than one year I wrote "Greece very knowingly it will toss us outside of the UE." 

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