viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013


It is not necessary to think at the moment that the action of Russia giving asylum to Snowden is a problem for the western economy and in short for Europa. God willing this fact gets complicated but an end up creating a position of enmity between Russia and the USA able to reactivate a new "Cold War" similar to the one that we live in the four decades understood from the 1950 to the 1990 if you notice they will see that it was during these forty years when occident (basically Europe and the Anglo-Saxon world headed by the USA) its economic, social, political take off lived, and I show the world power above any other continent and/or existent social or political groups. 

The reason has never been able to know about certain if it was by chance or for political planning, personally I believe that it was been of both but that he/she had more influence the chance that the planning, occident finished really winning a war (the II world war) but being conquering the reality was that it was economically destroyed because all the effort of the war accents the arks of the states full with scent to gunpowder and nothing else. 

But there am here that suddenly when it seemed that you manufacture them of armament airplanes ships etc. they no longer made sense he appears the Soviet communism that sunk in an unreal cloud it is believed under conditions of taking the contrary to the democratic occident, and he declares him the “cold war” and it was cold because neither the Soviets neither the Westerners had money to maintain the brutal costs of the “hot war”. So you the game of war began but alone by word of mouth threats and postures and this except for the western economy and I end up sinking the Soviet completely. 

Now we are presented another time an occasion to create an enemy or enemies against who to fight USA is mad because Russia has laughed at its force aiding Snowden and leaving it in consequence in evidence, this is that to encourage and to take advantage of it, it is necessary to declare the “cold war” to Russia and all country that it supports this betrayal, and this because and with what end. Because so that what was a casual point last century is a strategy in the century 21 that it is able to reactivate to occident and it locates it another time to the front of the political and social economy of the planet earth. 

As this it is gotten because very easy it is necessary to get angry a lot, to threaten a lot and to accompany this with punitive actions of commercial type, there is this way that to return again the ballistic antimissile defense plan (the famous shield) in europa facing them toward Russia and their rearguard to begin not to facilitate products toward there and not to buy more than the minimum thing so that they don't end up collapsing their economies because before the occident threat their reaction will be the same one that we live already last century, for not being too after to maintain a situation of equality they will have to make the same thing that occident to propose expensive defense shields that braked its economies in defense expenses the military ones that don't produce anything with what its industries were late will grow. 

This because it happens therefore very simple although Russia no longer says that it is communist, it follows it being in its economic structures, everything is in the government's hands or its military former clans, it doesn't exist a free economy seriously and of private character as in occident we maintain, so what stops occident is a business of which you/they enrich all: capitalists, banks, and workers, there alone they are expenses, and this was what I spend last century and that he would repeat in this other time. 

West needs to reactivate its industry, and certainly in a total peace as now, he has all those of losing, we cannot compete against workers that work to half of wages, we cannot continue paying the growth of the other people's economies, to such an extent that they leave us outside of game in an almost absolute way, we lose the automobiles, the ships, the consumption electronics, the factory of the textile one, and above we pay the petroleum to prices that serve only, so that they follow us buying the little thing that we still sell them, because we continue for before technologically but to this, or we put him control, or it is little time so that it is this way and not of the turn. 

It is necessary to return back, there is that it shares to ruffle the world another time, or otherwise we have those of losing simply because we are less, and because we have not won ourselves many gratefulness that we say, it is that simple, we have one century for before the one that alone 13 years and the result which it is have happened: more than half europa this ruined and about to jump socially for the airs, and the Anglo-Saxon world this holding back with pins, the alone United Kingdom has left the coordination of the financial traps of the world capital, and to the USA they begin him to break until the cities, I don't want to tell them that it would happen if to the oriental he gives them for not buying more debt, and I don't want neither to think if they begin to sell the one that they possess.    

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