The last results of the unemployment index in our country continue demonstrating that we don't advance, if not that we go back in the solution of the problem, such Spain and as this it cannot drive the situation, neither that of the unemployment neither that of the debt or deficit of the state as they want to call it. It is necessary to work a radical change and it is necessary to already make it, these changes have two objectives obligatorily: A. - to Reduce the expense publishes; B. - to balance the national territory. To get this it is necessary to disassemble the whole lattice of the Autonomous, such Communities and like they were carried out in the transition being based on the logic and in that not all in Spain wanted coffee
Spain should be composed again with single three Communities or Federations like prefer to call them that is: This - Mediterranean, (brown color) I Center - South (yellow color) and West - Cantabrian. (blue color).
The purpose of this transformation is like we said, in the initial paragraph, to reduce expense public, the thing is clear he/she would spend of the costs of officials and current administration, consistent in a Central Government but the governments of 17 CCAA, with the added difficulty that the functions in many cases are duplicated, reason even there being passed over you the competitions, these they are also in the government in Madrid, many times for blame of the damned coffee for all, because in many they are not able to or they don't want the transfer of the same ones. So my position would pass to a National Government and three governments of Communities or Federations of Spain. The reduction is clear they don't find it.
The outlined geographical division, neither it is made without logical foundations, it is tried to balance areas that at the moment are more potent with other you tune and next more depressed, with the purpose of balancing the demography and mainly the GDP, of the parts, as examples mentions: Madrid the biggest conurbation in Spain, without stopping to be as city the capital of Spain, would stop to be autonomous Community, to be part of the federation Center-south, with what would balance some of the most depressed areas at the moment like they are Andalusia and Extremadura. The This-Mediterranean Federation, would include the other Great conurbation of Spain, Catalonia with Aragon he/she Gets up and Murcia, and finally the West-Cantabrian one, would include very rich areas as the Basque country and Navarre with areas stockings as Castile the Old León and Galicia. The Balearic islands would be annexed to This-Mediterranean and The Islands Canaries to the area Center - South.
Later on if you arrives to this solution it would be question of balancing means of creation of wealth, producing of employment and also offering that you doesn't compete to each other, if not that they make comfortable to the most appropriate circumstances to each area. But of this we will already speak another day.
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