miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011



The so debated project of the corridor Mediterranean, at the end won't be been able to take to good end, because this project is impossible without the funds of the UE for the qualified European projects of strategic. For years the Mediterranean basin claims a connection of rail layout, with wide of via international that picks up most of goods that they arrive to its ports and that at the moment they move by lorry to Europe, this project very serious fact approved by the UNITED STATES, and therefore serious co financed by European funds I join naturally with national. 


The problem is that the corridor Mediterranean goes by the Mediterranean and he doesn't like that to Spain, and excuses is invented, other corridors, interconnections rail etc. with the purpose of that the corridor Mediterranean goes by Madrid and for the center of Spain, there where without we have the blame the Mediterranean it doesn't happen. But the brutal and unconscious centralism, is able to ruin the country with the purpose of not to consent to that the main motor of Spain still moves more toward to the Mediterranean, it is inconceivable to discuss this reality I would say that it is until unnatural, since it was the same creator the one that didn't know how to see that there are not sea ports in the center of Spain. 


The rail corridor of the Mediterranean, it should pass the but possible right and without deviation some for Algeciras, Cartagena, Valencia, Tarragona, Barcelona and right to France, to connect with the existent corridors going to the one notice and this of the continent, it should go by this journey because it should pick up the marine and commercial flow that arrives and it leaves for the big ones merchant international to and from the ports basically of Algeciras Valencia and mainly Barcelona but that taken place in the chemical of Cartagena and Tarragona. 


I don't understand what class of fear he gives the central government to outline that the logic is the logic, and that where there is not necessity to take coffee it is not necessary for noses to take coffee, because at the end what will happen is that we will be left all without coffee, those of the Mediterranean one and the other Spaniards, I say this way it, because this is what seems to want the Spanish government, they have it very simple of explaining alone it is necessary to begin to count the tons that arrive and they leave for the mentioned ports, and the thousands of trucks and tons that you/they enter and they leave for the A-2 for the Junquera, and any natural of Spain will understand it. 


Spain is in these moments under conditions of being the south platform of Europe in what concerns to entrances and exits of goods and products from and toward half and distant east, this situation would be good to attract investments and foreign industries that would install branches for the government and treatment of these goods, for its distribution and commercialization in all Europe, undoubtedly if this the central government bothers him, because it is evident that many would settle in the one he gets up Spanish, because that we will make him, they were looked for the south of France for example Marseilles, where I assure them that the French government won't put any problem.

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