sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2011


That more they will invent to go lengthening, what somebody is cooking for the imperfect future of the European Union? The joke now is that after an absurd meeting of minister of economy of the area euro, taken place in Wroclaw (Poland) besides giving a supine slap to the USA, it is that after so much "Stress Test" carried out to the banking of the area, in some of the Test or for the Stress, some have been pregnant, and now the commission of minister will wait nine months to that they give to light. It seems that those most pregnant ones are those of countries with problems, that is to say, Italy, Spain, on one hand, and Greece, Portugal and Ireland that have already seen how their economies have been intervened by the UE. 

This exhibition is absurd, because to say now that the banks of the countries affected by the sovereign debt, and I object of economic rescue on the part of the European monetary organizations and the IMF, it was not necessary neither to meet neither to make any test. The banking that is more pregnant is the entities financial French they are those that have in its power more debt of countries with problems. The BNP Paribas, for example, has an exhibition of 35.000 million Eurus. The second are Dexia, with 21.800 millions, followed by Crèdit Agricole, 14.700 millions, and Société Generate him, with 9.200 millions. The German banking is still worse but they don't give neither data neither in the meeting anything is said of Germany that you sew truth. 

In this context, of creating more confusion in each meeting than it happens, the European leaders have supported the position adopted by the European Commission, of opening a term of among six nine months, so that the financial sector outlines coalitions, restructurings and other bank mechanisms with the objective of cleaning up their bills. That is to say that the bank sector looks for in the first place to solve its problems at home, without appealing to the taxpayer's money. That is to say that eats in the families of last century, the not wanted pregnancies hide and the childbirths also. 

Luck that the Spanish economic vice-president, it has assured that it is a recommendation with general" "character that doesn't affect to the Spanish banks that he doesn't need in their opinion more capital. "We have located at our banks with a very strong, very solvent capital and therefore in the Spanish case it is not this way", she has said. That is to say the Spanish" "banks are not embarrassed because they are that is to say "banks" in masculine, for what one breathes much calmer, so the thing goes that is to say with "the banking" in feminine "the French" banking "the banking German" etc. 

At the end of the meeting, the economic vice-president, Elena Salgado, she has underlined the consent reached about the necessity that "little by little the financial institutions go increasing their capital, to fulfill the requirements of that that finally will be Basle III, but also to make in front of the eventualities of this moment". AND when Basle finishes III he/she will come the IV; the V, and so forth. 

Of what talks to the recapitalization, the minister has continued, she is of "breaking that curl that there are at this time between sovereign debt and the stability of the financial" institutions. "That has shown in these last months, in these last weeks, in the month of August, in the month of July, partly of the month of September", she has pointed. I don't know of what curl she speaks, for me that she had just seen a science fiction series and it confused the interplanetary vocabulary with the earthly one. 

The Ecofin has also debated how to improve the stress tests to the banking so that they "contribute to generate trust and that trust is not diluted quickly in the time, like in some case it seems to have happened" and be not embarrassed again. According to the vice-president, the idea is imposed of examining to more entities, like she has made Spain, and to "make a stress more rigorous test for those more systemic" entities or that preservatives are used. What it punishes that this minister this in functions, because for what says, Spain goes well very well. Sentence very of José María Aznar, previous Spanish president of the Popular Party, will be a premonition. 

In the meeting, the president of the European Central Bank, Jean Claude Trichet, highlighted the recent combined performance of the Federal Reservation, the BCE, Bank of England and the central Banks of Japan and Switzerland, of granting liquidity in dollars, as an example of "a true coordination" of the world economies. And followed act thanked the collaboration of the USA giving him a kick in the ass to its Secretary of the Treasure that had come to request and to give collaboration. 

The next communication that is expected will finally be the confirmation, of the exclusion of the area euro of Greece and its controlled crash, everything seems to indicate that it will be to first of October. There is pardon this I say it, not any illuminated minister of economy of any country of Europe, is not value to say the truths.  

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