Curious and feeble
effect the one that is passing in Madrid, and I wait that concretely alone it
affects in this case to those that are from the "Real Madrid".
Although with regard to the other ones from Madrid and Spanish, other
inhabitants of the capital, it doesn't stop to be a reflection of the absolute
centralism that the capital always wants to be the axis of the public life,
politics and economics of Spain.
The in presentable
paper that is offering here of a time, an entity up to now pride and admiration
in all Spain and Europe like it is the Real Madrid, it should be to me to
understand reflection reason and concern for their followers and because not to
say it, some all Spain. It cannot allow himself that a club of professionals
very well paid (he would say that excessively), go for a walk for Spain and the
world, the swagger, the bad education, the unjustified prepotency, the sport
violence, and with their postures, declarations, and reiterated combs can
affect to the civil violence.
A very sad favor
makes us this club, formerly Mister, to the Spanish sport that shines wonderful
in the entire world. We are champion world in soccer, of Europe in Basketball,
we have the second better tennis player and the team finalist in tennis, and because
not to tell it the best team professional in soccer of the world, the C.F.
Barcelona, plagued of national players, so much so that it is the base of the
champion national selection of soccer of the world. We are leaders in motors
competition. And this situation in that we are that maybe is only and no repeat
when it happens, it cannot be that the attitude and behavior of some not well
educated ones, want it to us to stain.
Lament to say this
way it, but I reach the conclusion that it is so strong the envy and the rage
of having lost the supremacy of being the biggest in Spain, and to see now as
Spain is spoiled by the world of the sport by their successes in so many sports
and competitions, without it is present neither it is mentioned for anything
the Real Madrid that until they have fallen in the depression and the
jealousies not already toward a team that makes them shade in their same
atmosphere, but to the unanswerable successes of the Spanish sport in
And against more time
it happens and they are allowed to make, but bad they make us to all and
themselves, of the alone Madrid they already know each other the bad ways, the
bad behavior, the lack of sportsmanship, their sanctions to their technician,
etc. Of that is written in Spain and the worst thing in the world, with what we
have enough a little to the entire pest that emanates of such a behavior.
I won't make of this
situation a topic of national interest, other more pressing problems have, but
if I want to make reference to the fact in yes, because the Real Madrid makes
ugly us to all and Spain remains silent that would happen if this same attitude
the has the Barcelona, Nadal, Lorenzo, Pedrosa, Navarro, the Gasol brooders’,
victories and greatness doesn't miss none of them, however they are affable
nice human clean sportsmen that rise to our country for well of all.
He scares me to think
that the Madrid is the reflection of the old and square Spain of in the past,
of that rancid social group and malcarado that he has always thought and he
thinks that Spain is the and his, and if this is he will harm this way us a lot
of, Spain needs to be open, kind, clean, he needs that the other countries
admire us for our behavior simplicity, not for chulerías that neither we should
neither we can allow ourselves, because it is necessary to be judicious and to
locate us in our place that unfortunately such and I eat they go us the things,
it is in the last places of the UE.
I don't know who
he/she can and it should solve this situation, I suppose that he/she will be
Don Florentino Pérez unless he, be part of that square and dominant generation
that wants to maintain that Spain is his, of Madrid and of the Real Madrid, if
it is this way, friends meringues pity you don't know what you are getting
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