miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014


I am made a true mess all my readers that I consider myself for that reason Catalan and independent already know it is that I don't understand that that those that don't feel Catalan that is to say those that are but Spaniards and that they believe that their government and Spain are protecting them and taking them for the best road to leave the tremendous crisis that we suffer deserves me all my respects and also my admiration because frankly they are possessors of an enviable optimism, us the Catalan believe that Spain takes us to the social misery and that its alone politics is guided to maintain a window that is Madrid from where the government seeks to give the UE the image of "everything he goes well" while it hides the miseries of Andalusia, Valencia, Murcia, Aragon, Galicia, the two Castile, Extremadura etc.  

Well I don't want to give them lessons of anything, among other things because they don't request them to me, but it already bothers so much me that are giving them to me to my every day, the newspapers of national environment, as all the radio gatherings or of national TV, the numerous followers of my Twitter, some of always commenting you to my blogs coming from directed Spanish followers all to enumerate the economic disasters that will happen us to the Catalan if we separate of Spain. 

Today I won't simply refer to the political disasters that there are also them, to the economic topic and in this aspect they notice us that: We won't be able to pay the pensions, neither we will be able to pay the unemployment subsidy, we won't be able to maintain the public sanity, we won't have access to the international financial markets, the companies left of Catalonia, etc. etc.  

In short according to the Spaniards, seven million inhabitants with the strongest economy in Spain 20% of the national GDP, the region of Spain that less unemployment has, the one that maintains 80% of the Spanish exports, the one that but tourism receives, the one that but international congresses organize, the one that has considered two totally Catalan banks one the best and more productive in europa "CaixaBank" that more offices in all Spain than any other one possesses, leaders in Spain in technology, in the investigation, and in the innovation, so much industrial as artistic, scientific and medical, and that to finish, it is the region that contributes after the capital of Spain more taxes in general, in global quantity and the first one for inhabitant, however and apparently if we leave Spain we could not subsist. 

It is curious true, that is to say if Catalonia offers to the financial world a GDP of 200,000 million Eurus and a debt of 160,000 million Eurus (more or less 16% of the Spanish debt that we should assume according to inhabitants), he would give a ratio of debt of the 80% on the GDP of Catalonia, the markets would not offer us Eurus I believe that yes, because after the first absorption of Spanish debt there would no longer be more, alone the one taken place by the own Catalonia what would allow to go reducing the debt of Catalonia. 

We could not pay pensions, like it is that if our unemployment is of 22% in front of the Spanish average of 24,6% what means that there is but active workers to contribute funds to the Social security, and the same thing in the sanity and the public education, in short we leave until here the numbers that are always very not very interesting and let us continue with the topic of this blog. The thing is that one wonders because Spain worries so much of our numbers, I don't understand it, he should think about new goals maybe, to pass Catalonia some ministries, but autonomy or said in another way more sovereignty, but not, alone he tells us that we will be some poor wretches and without money. 

At the end I have reached the conclusion of the because this happens this way, I believe that it is not for the desire of Spain that we are not poor, (good poorer because now we are already it enough), but rather what happens is what this way they hide the Spaniards these same numbers with regard to Spain if Catalonia separates, and the worst thing is that the Spaniards don't ask them to him, they don't wonder if with an unemployment that would ascend to more than the 27 or 28% they could pay the pensions, if with a debt of 850,000 million Eurus and a GDP of 800,000, that is to say with a ratio of debt of 106% won't be Spain the one that won't obtain credits in the markets, in short we will leave it here, I don't like to poke in the wounds, but alone I want to repeat that they don't give us so many advice neither so many laws, simply give us the independence.   

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