miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014


I would advise to all the Spaniards that begins to worry about the reality of the current Spain: I threaten them to that give birth to a moment to protest in the nets, in denouncing the government's bad administration, the incredible inefficacy of some politicians that they are stopped to complain about the Catalonia, of that of education, of that of civic security, of the electric billing, of the ascent or not of the IVA that we all know that finished the campaign of European elections, will ascend until 23% or more, in short of so many things that alone they are good to pass the time and begin to contemplate seriously how he/she leaves in two or three the PP, and as the PSOE it is not recomposed neither by force. 

With all these perspectives it is easy to guess that much future to Spain he/she is not seen, now it seems that everything is calculated in that returns the foreign capital to Spain, and that the cousin of low risk below 200 basis points, is worth very well but this to where you/he/she takes us, because to a Spain bought by the foreign capital that will be limited to take the beneficent financier out of an operation to short and that she left us as soon as she carries out it with the ass to the air another time. 

Look at this it works this way: the funds of capitals that come to buy all that puts on to shot to prices that we can locate in 50% of a previous base of 100, this encourages the roost and without making anything, their purchases make go up their value quickly 15%, then believe a current of sales controlled in that many are themselves with other names that they repurchase and they consolidate the belief that the things get ready, then he begins to buy the hidden internal capital, what causes an ascent of other 15% so already has a benefit of 30% and this believes a perspective of other 25% that is what it lacks to return to the index 100 that we spoke to the beginning of the operation. 

Arrived to this point that can happen in two years, they sell everything little by little but without pauses and they leave to another side with a brutal benefit, but here they don't leave anything they have not made anything, they have not refloated anything, they have made rotate the ball that was stopped what is they are simply some last plundered investors another time, and that the normal thing is that they are the same ones that were already at the beginning he of the whole play, with what is that they gave them 50% of their original value they took off it again when they resold them their values after making them go up 30% so everything it is the same as now but having lost more. 

This because it happens, because Spain continues only working with financial and not industrial products, the Spanish recovery is not for increase of the GDP but for cutting of expenses who Spain really governs today he is Don Luis De Guindos that is working phenomenally among the financial wings of Brussels of the BCE and of the IMF, and it is really good very good it already demonstrated it in Lehman when he worked there, De Guindos it has been able to sell that Spain has solved the financial problem and the truth is that he makes it well, the low cousin and he has made believe that the economy resurges. 

But it is not this way, the national economy goes to worse, the unemployment increases, the GDP not, is in a clear point of stagflation, and the debt already ascends to the point of balance of the GDP, that is to say Spain takes place alone to pay debt. And this won't be good for nothing else that so that De Guindos it is placed in a position in the European commission, and the Spaniards we throw ourselves from head to the sea, because with all this the right has broken and the left follows rattan, so yourselves, we will have lost 6 years more to still be more indebted, but stopped, and with less possibilities of recomposing the GDP, because anything has not been made to create companies that produce added value and don't only aim accountants. 

Us the Catalan already about two years ago begin to get ready to leave this wonderful country that fights boldly alone to be able to maintain their political class in good economic state, and that they fight some to stay, others to replace them, and other to see if among them they are killed and they send this way again, but what is to fix the economy, to create managerial fabric, to modify state structures, anything of anything, they are limited to clip of everything and of all and they hope it lowers the sacred spirit with some thousands of millions of Eurus and it fixes everything.

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