domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015


The odyssey of Ulises on the way to its destination in the presidency of the modern Greece seems that it is the one on the way to Alexis Tsipras that goes to recurring to any stratagem to maintain what I find it impossible to arrive to good port with the social situation of the country and paying with Eurus. The first Greek minister before the defeat in the first skirmishes in front of the UE accused Spain and Portugal on Saturday of heading a conservative conspiracy to overthrow his government centered in a political anti austerity, saying that the two neighboring governments were worried by the advance of the radical forces before the elections foreseen for this year. 

Tsipras also rejected the critics that Athens had reduced its pretenses in the negotiations to agree an amplification of the financial rescue, saying that the anger of the conservative forces in Germany demonstrated that its government achieved some concessions. Curious truth and skilled very skilled Tsipras qualify their successes according to the anger of the Germans and the betrayals of Spain and bad Portugal we go when a politician should appeal to defend his position to coast of the other ones. 

The Greeks have centered great part of their critic on the years of austerity imposed by the international creditors in Germany, the biggest taxpayer to the package of help of 240.000 million Eurus granted to the Hellenic country. And at the moment they add that the impossibility of changing its destination is partly for blame of Madrid and Lisbon, accusing them of adopting a hard line inside the Euro group in the negotiations on the amplification of the rescue. 

We are in front of an axis of powers... led by the governments from Spain and Portugal that tried to take the negotiations on the edge of the cliff" for reasons obvious politicians, Tsipras, "Their plan he says it is to wear away, to overthrow or to force our government's unconditional rendition before our work begins to give fruits and before the Greek example (concretely of Syriza) it contaminates before the elections to Spain through PODEMOS. 

The new social movement of PODEMOS it leads some opinion polls in Spain, becoming a serious threat for Mariano's Rajoy conservative government, of face to the general elections foreseen for final of this year. Rajoy went to Athens less than fifteen days before the Greek elections to support the conservative candidate and to notice to the voters before the promises "impossible" of Syriza. 

Among so much in Madrid. (As if was the inquiring Torquemada of The Santa Inquisition) The Secretary of State for the European Union (UE), Íñigo Méndez Vigo, he has responded to the first Greek minister accusations, affirming that "the problems of Greece are not solved with declarations but with reformations" (you reform that Greece cannot make and that Spain should not make) unless he wants to finish with a social revolt or with the more than the demon's sure victory of PODEMOS that surprisingly its president nicknames Churches (Iglesias). 

Also, it has recriminated that he tries to "look for enemies where there are not them. When the reality is just the opposite Greece today he is a potential enemy to the stability of the PP and of the Spanish ruling right that is returning the country to the most conservative politics in the last years of the dictatorship. Méndez Vigo has highlighted the "solidarity" that has shown Spain and the Spaniards when lending to Greece 26.000 million Eurus when the country was crossing "a moment very delicate" thing that it is not I lend this way 6000 million and a guarantee for the rest. 

And the other great character that seems to revive this week is “RasPutin” that also with his Machiavelli’s he is keeping the complete power in Russia but this time doesn't make it through the Tsarina but of eliminating to all that moves in Russia.  The Russian opposition will come out this Sunday to the streets of Moscow to carry out a protest for the activist's death and former vice first minister Boris Nemtsov, in a march that will be supervised by members of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society the Human rights that is to say controlled by Putin. 

Before the murder of Nemtsov it was foreseen that the opposition shows against the positioning of Russia in the Ukrainian conflict, but its violent death they have decided to change the objective of the march for a homage act to the murdered opponent. It is foreseen that the manifestation begins in the center of Moscow from where he will go to the area in which Nemtsov was murdered, near the Kremlin, where the protest will conclude. The authorities of the city had approved a manifestation previously for some 50.000 people, although the death of Nemtsov has made the organizers to assure that many will come out to the streets more people to condemn that happened. 

This turn will make that a supervision is made of the march to they will go her at least six members of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and the Human rights, an organ in charge of the supervision of the situation of the social and political freedoms in the country and that he will have as objective to supervise the development of the march. And you can suppose that to transfer a later report to “Ras Putin”. 

The death of Nemtsov that he received four shots for the back when he went for a walk with a friend for the center of Moscow, it has been criticized so much by the Russian Government as for the international community that he has requested the investigation of the facts and that it is taken to the responsible ones in the face of the justice. On the other hand, the Russian president, Vladimir RasPutin, he has committed to make all the possible one to clarify that happened and to find the culprits, besides indicating that for how he had taken place, it is probable that it is a murder for responsibility, he forgot to say "of the same" one.  

All truth hides that that "The History repeats" everything it happens and everything returns it changes the forms but not the bottom the humanity doesn't change she simply transforms and to each transformation she becomes more cruel and give-humanized said to the humanity otherwise against but she advances instead of enjoying her achievements uses them to go against if same incredible.  

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