sábado, 4 de abril de 2015


Mariano Rajoy doesn't get tired of repeating that he has offered to the president of the Generality, Artur Mas dialogue and he has requested to change institutional loyalty and I "respect to the juridical" mark, but that is very little Mr. Rajoy, not for the magnificence of the sentences and promises, but because they are already old and last of time in the current reality, one also mentions to the commitments of "assisting to the general interest of the Spaniards and, for it, of all the Catalan". The cynicism is total, he has not found out Rajoy that many Catalan don't want to be their Spaniards, therefore it doesn't defend us putting under an obligation to be it, if not that it is attacking us so difficult it is to understand it.    

The situation that has been created in this country is of difficult solution, this anyone can understand it, but what seems that you and the government of the PP doesn't understand, it is that repeating what is wanted to leave behind from Catalonia, won't get ready anything, today I believe that many Catalan are already convinced that Spain doesn't want to speak of referendum neither of popular consultation neither of anything that it sounds to opinion freedom, and this is simply because it cannot do without of the taxes of Catalonia. The problem is that and not the one that want to leave, this is already so undoubtedly all the turns that he gives him the central government to justify its negatives they are sincerely stupid.    

The question is impishly complex because the secession presents us two big problems: One stops Spain and another for Catalonia, and that in the bottom it is the same one, that is to say the economic survival of both countries for separate. Spain without Catalonia would go back at levels of economic uncertainty that would possibly put in check to its own financial viability and possibly its permanency in the UE, this reality, forces her to maintain its domain position on the Catalan territory, leave you of native loves, of legalities and that together we are stronger. Answer you to themselves: if Catalonia was a poor region that didn't go was taxpaying net to the arks of the Spanish treasure to that the loves and unit desires would be less many.    

On the other hand Catalonia has such an influence at the present time on the economy of Spain that this situation also harms vastly it, because although it is clear that the native love doesn't tie us, the business if, and this the life teaches that it is sometimes stronger than the love. In an impossible referendum about the independence has already been that the entirety of the Catalan society would have had many doubts, because in fact many of the economic resources that make it so strong that the own Spain cannot do without of her, they are those that in turn, they make many Catalan to think that neither they can do without of Spain.    

And it is it is the true reality, leave you of loves and unit desires, the truth is that up to now he didn't see capable to the oligarchical Catalan capitalism, of understanding that there are other markets, neither to understand that they should be played it, but today is already different because today the future of Spain is not anything sure, I would tell to these Catalan managers "so Spanish" that alone they have to see that they make the big companies of character and Spanish shareholders. All they are positioning outside of the country because they have very undoubtedly there is no longer economic future in Spain that can sustain them, with or without Catalonia. This way to those so reticent Catalan managers no longer tell them that their future is here and in its expansion to the exterior, considering the exterior in this case to the Spanish neighbor. 

We want to be independent we have already said it and repeated hundreds of times, but maybe it is necessary that Catalonia stops to request and "buy its independence" maybe it would be necessary to present numbers and state budgets and of market, to the government from Spain based on proposing some relationships of economic collaboration that orphan of the whole Catalan contribution doesn't let it, in exchange for some commercial relationships or of other collaborations, because until Spain and her governments don't see their clear and sure bills, don't doubt it they won't be played it with Catalonia neither for love, neither for patriotism. Said Catalonia more crudely he should explain how much it is willing to pay and how he/she would pay their independence. 

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