martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011


I continue hoping to be able to comment the rendition of Germany and France to the reality while this doesn't happen the things they go the more to worse they take more deteriorated they will be their banks their PIB their government and more desperate and poor all the other ones will be.

We are to two only solutions like I come saying for days I sincerely hoped happens today but the governments and rulers too much grasped to their position to give up him are, although this means the death of everything for what you had to fight. It is no longer Europe with which to pay the debt that you/they say that there is.  

They will see the PIB of the countries it is the economic force with which it is supposed they can make in front of their expenses and obligations, very since we will exercise an of numeric logic and we will value the current situation of the GDP of Germany and France  

In 2010 they were declared a PIB of Germany of. - 2.623.646 millions € 

In the same period the PIB of France was of. - 1.844.662 millions € 

This year the things go very bad but nobody says as much as their GDP can have fallen this it is not exactly because one speaks of the bad thing that this the debt but it is not said in relation to that because, because he has its importance we see if you kind reader owes 500€ and he has 50.000€ practically neither he worries about it is not this way, because well I will estimate that it has passed with the PIB of both powers.

As very simple the PIB is composed of several factors capacity of obtaining taxes reservations of the treasure and of course the capacity of production of resources of the industry and the trade cannot know how much they have lost both nations in taxes and reservations but if the loss of productivity and trade this is reflected in the force of their financial markets where the best companies in the country are valued. 

We will suppose that the GDP is distributed among three factors the tax one, the factor wealth in reservations and the production roasts that we will assign 33% to each factor if we give this for good and we compare it with what happens to the stock markets of both countries it would be that:  

Germany has lost so far this year. - 277.923 millions of € 

France has lost so far this year. - 188.709 millions of € 

So it is comprehensible that they become nervous but the blame is alone of its inefficacy and its foolishness in not wanting to help and to solve the problems of Europe, of wanting to stay now certainly outside of the reality it is not the debt of Greece the one that drowns or that of Spain or Italy is his characteristic of there the panic the contradictions among how to make the things    

So what I come saying or they give green light to the European Voucher or they give the good-bye to the European Union and that each one makes their bills. 

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