miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011


It is already impossible to take the world crisis seriously, the events go and they come in a vortex of absurdities that is impossible that they are certain and/or controlled, I refer to a rigorous control, that is to say on the part of governments and economic authorities more or less official, if it is clear that for the speculators it is as if has played them the lottery, but the good of the case is that he plays them without betting, they win being there with their bet it is simply the one that is he gives same, they are so many the possibilities that some illuminated ruler, leader, bank governor, etc. say what seems him so that BINGO, reward him some of the carried out bets. 

And it is that they are so many the possibilities that you don't make a mistake, can bet to that Greece breaks and at the same time that the economic authorities will give and they paid the first rescue so that it doesn't break. You can also bet to that will leave of the euro and at the same time that the area euro didn't disintegrate. You can bet to that he was formed an effect domino and that the following one in falling will be Portugal, so much if Greece falls as if he doesn't fall, it bets to that Portugal is also rescued or. The ticket of bets that plays to have who will fall more quickly is also if Italy or Spain. 

If what you like is to play to the Banks, instead of the countries, you also have for sure you win, you can guess right the results of the “stress test” they have already made two and they go for the third, you can bet if they need 200 or 300 thousand millions of what is, you can choose dollars or Eurus because all voucher, you can bet for those that are bad or those that are worse who he has more Greek debt who they have more mortgages garbage who buy funds who their solvencies will be reduced and which it will be the agency that makes it first. 

You can also play to the institutions, and to bet to have who says it fatter if the IMF, if the BCE, if the G-8; 9; 10; 11….20 etc. In these bets can also speculate if they will go up the interests or if they lowered them, if they lend to the other banks or if they don't make it, if they have to lend or they don't have, if they really know what happens or they don't know it, in short multiple combinations that assure you that you bet what you bet you guess right. 

At the end I have reached the conclusion that this cannot be, it is not natural neither logical so much des coordination it misleads and errors in institutions and people that imbeciles will be it, but silly not, this whole bewilderment should have a purpose so and also incontestable, because if was normal and logical, they would say it and I list, so I eat up my also likes to bet mine there he goes. Comely two against one that the “III world war” is looking for, and I eat nobody he wants to be the incendiary, they have armed so much mess so that when it explodes it seems almost as accidental and among so much bewilderment you cannot accuse anybody directly that of "Among all they killed her and her alone she died." 

So it is a last bet: It will be the next east, it will be the revolution of the fed up masses of losing its well to be and its money, will be the crisis of the break of Europe, it will be at the same time the crash of the PIIGS all, it will be a crazy Taliban, maybe an Iranian ayatollah, I would bet for the financial speculators, when they have ruined the western economy completely, they will put an attack with included firecracker, I exploded I believe that Europe will be added next East and it will already be served, after some years and list, everything again to reconstruct, I work and money for all those that are clear. Another time solved as he has come being until 70 years ago, and one has already seen that there is not another possible recipe to fix the world, too much people too many ambitions and too well this to be. This cannot sustain. 

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