sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011


The vice first Chinese minister, Li Keqiang, affirmed in a forum on the five-year plan for the industry of the services that the Government will impel his development so that they play a bigger part in the change of model of economic growth of the country, he informed the official newspaper "China daily." 

According to Li, the sector services is a great employment supplier, and it has in China enormous potential when being impelled the internal" "consumption, but some sectors like that of logistics, consultancies, trade in Internet or health, they still go very from behind of its similar ones in the developed countries. The added value of the sector services represents 43 percent of the GDP, in front of 70 percent in the developed countries, Li affirmed.  

China seems that it is resolved to restructure its economic model and to stop to be the factory of cheap products of the world, to increase the supply of those of added value and services, fact this in exportable and of use and interior consumption, this reconversion if it is certain, it would mean the end of the economic war in the world, to be able to take to term this reconversion what looks for as much in USA as in the countries of the UE it is the high technology that he needs.  

It is not anything banal this regular half hidden news of the big ones, the one that Chinese is willing to make this way a decision, he can mean that bill has been given that it has already balanced the western economy taking it at its level of GDP, and with it starting from now its commercial fight was balanced by the force of the situation, since neither occident will have the capacity to buy him more product, neither he will want to continue making it. China knows that occident will defend for the force, he doesn't have more exit, stopping him to buy and manufacturing more in its own industries. 

So this it is the touch of real hope that puts an end once to the change of world economic cycle that has been taken to term during these last 20/30 years, the western economy it has passed of being the first one supplying general and absolute of the world, to be second o'clock, or being very optimistic as a lot they have been equaled. China realizes that now it will consolidate its growth, making it toward inside its market, fact that will even maintain it many years, (I calculate that at least 10) dominating becoming of the world economy, because her alone and its influence radio is of the order of three times more than the western group. 

This in all ways should not care us, what it is necessary to make starting from now in the western economies it is to wonder several things, the first one is because the politics is not good to maintain the economy, and also said otherwise because the private capital is not "patriotic". it has Always been said that the money doesn't have ideology neither color is money and it is enough, but the companies, the managers the investors the speculators are even people, and these they have failed boisterously, I agree, but although they don't say it, this open war has lost it, and with her they have been vanished hundred of thousands of millions of dollars that no longer have neither they have again, and they have also lost its influence and its scale had descended at inferior levels to that of a Chinese multimillionaire, Indian, Russian, etc. So I believe that the learned lesson should be good for something. 

Already without waiting more and for if the news China is certain, I believe that the capital private Westerner should assume its paper and to take the reins of the financial reconstruction of its own scenario, of its market, in the being leaves them or not to be. They cannot continue trusting the politicians, and these in turn should not worry about the capitalists each one in their place, the politics is for the society in general, and the capital not, the capital is the necessary force so that with its push, of the necessary resources to the politics so that he administers them and balance the basic necessities of the society, these papers are not completed now, the governments depend on the capital one and therefore, they have to worry more than it that of the good to be of its society. 

This situation has taken us unintentionally to the own sinking of the western economy or without realizing, in the aspect financial occident it has acted bad, he has been devoted to protect to its capital and east has made comfortable to it, and if he has had problems its action it has been to pass over them to the shift government, which has assumed the load doesn't know very well if for fear or for ignorance and lack of vision. That a bank entered in problems the estate been running to refinance it that an industry lost money the government it is necessary to be taken its personnel's charge with the subsidies etc. this should not continue like he said that "that each stick tolerated its flag." 

The governments to govern and to collect, imposing the appropriate rates, and the capital to work to negotiate and to pay what plays them, and if they are made of stupendous gold that it is their work and their obligation, and if they don't know how to make it that they close and he will already come another that if he will know how to make it, for well of all.  

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