sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011


They can already make all the predictions that want, give all the turns to the topic of the resignation of Berlusconi this fact he won't take place neither today neither tomorrow neither never until the carabinieri will stop it for the president's of the republic order Neapolitan Giorgio, my reason is double on one hand it is evident that Berlusconi has lost the reason that which invalidates him all the promises and trials that it formulates and but acting on pressure its paranoia is such that he/she has ended up manifesting that he/she feels as the one the Nazi dictator that I support to the Nazi movement of Hitler's Germany "Takes a shower" and that it was finally executed and annoyed by the Italian town.   

Before this personality one cannot wait anything good today the news that arrive of the country transalpine they are of very bad perspective in this respect that Berlusconi completes its word of resigning, he won't make it and it will expose all Italy and all Europe to who knows what effects in chain, the thing can go from the detention of the "caballieri" for the president's of the republic order (after consulting it previously with Merkel and Sarkozy) on the part of the carabinieri. Or the definitive crash of the European Union, if the two leaders to the control at the moment, don't want to take a decision of so much responsibility and span.    

Berlusconi has part of being outside of yes he/she knows that its exit of the government represents the entrance to the jail and also the Italian political situation this so entangled one that the non alone thing affects to the "caballieri" but to many more characters than they are played the stability of its status, I fear myself that obtained in actions a point outside of the law for this reason it is almost impossible that neither wanting the own Berlusconi can decide its political death for its own boredom or fatigue before so much pressure I fear myself that he/she has so many commitments in confessable and that they affect to so many political personalities or not that if he leaves that he/she comes off after my the flood.   

This is a situation that has remained hidden while the Italian political life went becoming brutalized more and more but the problems didn't leave its economic circle and its politics internal today after the explosion of the debt and the sinking of the Italian economy that it drags to the europa rest without fail the true problem of Italy today it is not the economy, this it has already exploded, it is the political tangle that exploded as soon as it finishes the government's despotism of the one in certain way elect Dictator of Italy. And this it didn't finish for the own will of the Caballieri I fear myself that it will be necessary to appeal to the force to make him complete their own word. That god wants that I make a mistake.   

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