lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011



There was a very blond and beautiful girl that lived in a country without freedom, once with the time the life she made it bigger and I don't know if more beautiful, but if more powerful and their country change and she became in federal, so much grew in beauty and intelligence that she became the first lady of the country.  

Their life was happy, in its country everybody worked, they had a lot of money and a great internal growth, but there am here that one day I arrive of but there of the seas, a witch also very beautiful but very bad, Anglo-Saxon for more signs that she had been left without a bad bank, and that had taken to its country almost to the ruin and everybody to distrust of everything and of all, nevertheless the evil witch, went distributing red and fresh apples for all the corners of the world making that the one that ate them, is as sleeping and she was introduced this way in her economy and the one emptied to restore what her bad bank had swindled to its public treasure. 

One day when the witch thought that she had already slept to all the 17 midgets of the finances and her governments with those that Blankamerkel cohabited, I ask to its magic mirror - you Tell me mirror there is somebody more clever beautiful and bad that me - and the mirror that he could not lie him responded - !oh if my lady! there is a chancellor but it lists that you that has not bitten the apple and she has not fallen asleep, so she has put to work going down them the wage to their citizens, and while all slept she has increased their power and their GDP and she doesn't have debts and their economy anything is not bad -  

The bad which became furious and I call to her soldiers bad calls, Moody's, Standard & Poor's and a certain Fitch and I order them to attack all the midgets of the surroundings of the country of Blankamerkel that if they were sleeping, with the idea of ruining her economies totally and then Blankamerkel, would have to leave its Kingdom to help them, she could catch this way it and to give him to eat poisoned apple and to leave it without forces and sleeping. 

They made this way it the evil and little by little armed soldiers with their qualifications of risks, they went ruining one to one the midgets sillier and littler workers of the surroundings, they ruined this way completely at 6 and they left at other quite battered two or three, then the bad witch thought in that he was already the moment to sink the Kingdom of the Blankamerkel, and during one year I attack and I attack an and another time until being almost able to steal him the chancellor's heart that she called himself Euro. 

Blankamerkel tolerates but she realized that it could not maintain together to all its 17 midgets, the poisoned apples had caused a lot of damage in their brains, and they could not think with the clarity of the Blankamerkel, alone it could trust in short of some few ones eight, so she decided unilaterally to catch to the most comely of those that were in good state of health, and together to organize the defense of the interests of its Kingdom and of its heart the Euro. 

Nine are the minimum number of "midgets" that they can adopt agreements of more cooperation according to the rules of the UE. If you arrive to that number, the new Pact that will bear a stricter budgetary control, one will be able to approve. To Blankamerkel it satisfies him that formula for two evident reasons: the time and the simplicity of starting it. 

If it will be opted to modify the Treaties of the European Union, the negotiations among 27 midgets would not only be prolonged during long months, but rather the 'no' of anyone of them, as that of the tiny Slovenia (that already paralyzed an agreement on the amplification of the Fund of European of Financial Stability, FEEF), she would give to the fret with the proposal, since it is needed to reach the unanimity. 

Too many risks and too much time, for an agreement that seeks to take a short cut the deepest debt crisis in the history of the UE. Blankamerkel and the wise midget Sarkozy, will present this proposal in the next meeting programmed for December 9, although one hopes reveled more details of its plan goes this same week, and of being gone out with his, and to get the signature of those nine midgets, the agreement could start in January or February of 2012, a meteoric time if it is compared with the necessary one for the modification of a Treaty, never inferior to one year. 

Blakamerkel, however, neither renouncement to this last, since she wants there to be a European mechanism of punishment for those midgets that don't fulfill the current pact of Stability. However, what urges is now, to put an end to the debacle of the debt with a quick solution. In the group of midgets that they would be part of the club, they say that they would be always the mocking Italy and the indignant Spain. Their inclusion is vital for both, since the signatories would have the permanent support of the BCE that would act in an overwhelming way in the markets to maintain first floor the interests of the sovereign debt of all these 9 midgets. 

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