lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011


The European Union will be able to impose Spain a ticket of 0,1% of the GDP (that is equal to 1.000 million Eurus) if she doesn't take measures to reduce its high unemployment rate. The paranoia has appropriated of the members and of the commission of minister of economy of the European Union, this mental dysfunction is characteristic of those that no longer distinguish with clarity the real situations that surround them, confusing them for the fact of deliriums auto referents and without any slip of objective reality. Plus specifically, it can refer to a type of sensations of anguish, as the one of being pursued by uncontrollable forces (mania persecutory), or to be the elect for a high mission, as the one of saving to the world (delirium of greatness) attributed to certain dictatorial personalities and governments.  

The minister of Economy of the UE will approve foregone this Tuesday the list of indicators that they will be used to throw files for excessive imbalances, as they have informed European sources. For the first time, the unemployment level is included that up to now had not figured in the discussions, and that it harms Spain especially. But it is not for this cause for what I get scared, it is when imagining the situation for which europa government's minister happen, it is that this reflective measure the incoherence’s and the hunt of witches that it should be passing in the meeting of European minister. 

That it is evident that he has to see the unemployment negatively in the economy of a country it is undeniable, but that this labor dysfunction to call it in a way is punishable, it is incredibly absurd, enough punishment he gives the simple one I toss from the unemployment to the own country and its society, like to create a punitive measure that even harms above but to the own effect that is wanted to correct. Because if the unemployment has a very high cost so much for the economy public, as private, since it affects at both it doesn't seem that to have to pay a tax to have it is a favorable measure to eliminate it, they don't find more reasonable than those 1000 millions that he speaks the news it would be better than the government the uses in increasing the employment where it is necessary. 

The unemployment is a fact that takes place structurally for several causes, and I don't believe that none is for desire of the society neither of the shift government, but well it is always cause of some imbalance, economic, of market, or like it happens in Spain that this outside of the European stocking for that it is caused by three causes at the same time. One: the fall of the productive economy in Europa. Two: the explosion of the real estate bubble in Spain. And three: the demographic imbalance that for the manpower immigration to make in front of the real estate madness took place, situation that took place in last decade  

The high unemployment level is persistent and it will persist in Spain, until the same ones that want to create the sanctions, that is to say the minister of economy of Europe mainly those of Germany and north center, be distributed something like that as 2.500.000 of workers, the same as the benefits of the real estate investments were distributed that they promoted without rhyme neither they are in our country, to place the surpluses of money of the surpluses of their commercial scales and of export.  

I hope our rulers are able to explain to it in Brussels I have already explained to him it many times, but here in Spain he gives them shame to recognize it and they don't make anything in this respect, it would be good that now above put them a sanction, you cannot continue this way, they will agree with I crumb that if they are as this, the solutions that are thinking to reactivate the economy and to save the difficult situation of Europe, it is better that they give birth to and that each one leaves to their house and let us break the Union definitively.   

If the analyses that make the minister are as superficial and erroneous as this, it is clear that they are not very mentally, they have entered in a state of serious paranoia, they come threats and solutions for all the sides, less those that are true problems and true solutions, these in their feeble state are not able to distinguish them, and the good of the case is that the external markets come them all, their laughs and to rub of hands is heard in all the market parquets of the world, except clear europa it is, here to the parquets they travel them witches and nonexistent ghosts and that alone they come them our rulers in their paranoiac deliriums. 

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