jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011


The European Commission has requested this Wednesday to the Government's future president, Mariano Rajoy that undertakes in a high-priority way a labor reformation to reduce the unemployment in Spain, especially the juvenile one, at the same time that it has impacted in that the unemployment rate in the country is "simply untenable" and it is necessary a "immediate" performance. My readers it should sound them this song which have gone humming in many of my articles, now that it seems that somebody more important than me it has put him music and letter I want to deepen in the question. 

Olli Rehn has said some interesting things from the point of view of a character of the Center-Nordic Europa that he doesn't know about the mass half of what passes here in Spain. It is not fair that the market labor Spanish is so divided among those protected and those not protected. It should have something that goes deeply bad if the unemployment, of stocking, is above 20% in the country", and more than 40% for the youths, it is simply untenable and it is necessary to act immediately to reduce the discharge it appraises of unemployment of Spain." 

"If I was a Spanish youth and I faced a juvenile unemployment of more than 40%, while the unemployment in Low Countries is of 4% or that of Austria of 5%, would wonder why". it should be related, not with the geographical localization, but with the institutions, the politicians and the operation, or the bad operation, of the labor" market, and a thing has been left more and very important and that he doesn't possibly know in its positions, like it is the family and social culture of Spain. 

It is comprehensible that for a man that I arrive of the cold he doesn't know it, but me if I want to stress it here today in my article, although some desertions cost me among my followers, a lot of blame of the juvenile unemployment of Spain, has it the own society and the Spanish family whose culture very protector, it has inculcated some values of false security and excessive valuation, of the qualities and the young family children's values that are permanently to the help of their adults, because it is the culture that their parents have had and therefore they transmit, this nevertheless wants to add that he comes behind from 50 years, before it didn't happen this way and for that reason I believe that you can rectify for the future. 

Myself that I am son of the Spanish postwar period, didn't live rather on the contrary this very protector, my parents to the 14 years put me to work of apprentice, read it well paying a time, until the manager said that I already took place instead of expenses benefits. My dream was to be so industrial engineer as soon as it finishes the elementary high school of that time, and since they could not finance me an university career, my road was the one of learning an in agreement occupation with my dream while at the same time he/she studied in the Industrial School of Barcelona, and this way pass three years as I left making man working and studying, to the 20 years before going to the obligatory military service (I incorporate very late to the 22 compliments) it already made more money than my father. He was proud of it.  

As they have changed the things truth, I don't need to make comparisons with the Anglo-Saxon or even European culture in that a youth to the 16 or 18 years already has to leave her family home, well to study, well to be looked for the life like she can, here in my circumstances, I didn't have to leave my house, but he is that my parents pushed me to make me with my own life, and I remember that in other places of Spain for that time, yes that the youths should go of their towns and homes to look for his. 

I arrive the horn from the abundance to this country and I meet money, well to be social, the social security, the unemployment insurance, and he brought I get the protectionism parental on the children, (parodying the famous sentence of Scarlet O’Hara in That Gone with the Wind) the Spanish parents of the 70 thought I "swear for god that my children never more the hunger that I pass my father" happened and of their many of the problems of the juvenile unemployment come in this country, many parents don't allow to leave to their children to fight in the world for themselves, they don't want their children to begin being an apprentice or a waiter and for sure not well paid, but that is relative because that wrong salary is good to help or to be paid its future, but noon today the parents they want it to him to pay them, but the wrong is that while, the youth doesn't make anything, and the twenty-five arrive or but she no longer knows or she doesn't want to work, because she has not learned in her moment. 

Then there are other legal circumstances and of organization that they don't favor the labor recruiting, but this is another topic of which we can speak now very far above, the recruiting of young workers should be different to that of the rest of workers, with less costs for the employer, at the same time that it should be smaller the demand of responsibility, the youth is not a defect he is rather an illness that spends not with the time, and the work, this hard one or he should last almost a lifetime. 

The work conditions if they should vary as the youth is treated, you cannot be responsible if she has not memorized responsibility before, you cannot begin a house with the roof without having made the foundations and the structure, he cannot put on makeup or to enamel a room if he has not been recovered before of fine plaster, and they are this way the things, and he is this way the life first he is necessary to be given of slaps in the labor world, to go ascending until being you the one that of the slaps. 

Spain has a very serious problem of juvenile unemployment, I won't deny it but they know a thing, I am astonished of going for the restaurants and bars of Barcelona to go by trade of clothes of and other things, and to see many youths carrying out its work, they will be not well paid I don't doubt it, it will be very annoying the schedule neither I doubt it, but that that more it misses me, it is that almost all are immigrant and very few Spaniards. 

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