lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013


It is already well of making go the Pisuerga it crosses for Valladolid with such off to put weed and to treat Catalonia their government and their people like little more than illiterate, and dreamer today in "ABC" in an article interviews William Chislett, journalist, writer and British investigator referred as I title to the king's abdication it is made come well a question so that the interviewee's following interpretation takes place: If you form part of a country and salts of that country to create your own State, you stop to be in the UE and you have to present your candidacy from the beginning. Let us don't forget that the economy of Catalonia has the same size more or less than that of Portugal. Imagine that a Catalonia outside of the UE insists on continuing using the euro and they have a crisis type Portugal. 

The qualification of ABC like kindred newspaper to the Spanish régime are outside of all doubt and therefore one can wait any manipulation but I already worry about more than people that are supposed of a high intellectual knowledge have in their knowledge the idea so slanted that Catalonia is more or less as Portugal I suppose that the poor person interviewee has been or not well informed or manipulated as so many other so that their comments insist in the foolishness of Catalonia that that in the rest of Spain incomprehensibly worries about them so much or but that to the Catalan thing that I don't understand if we stick it so not serious Catalonia you that fear gives to Spain or it is not this way. 

But this is another topic that I have already debated sufficiently now what I want it is to take from of the ignorance to ABC and William Chislett, you look and compare the data that next transcribe them   

Portugal. -  

GDP. - 252.656 millions  

Inhabitants. - 10.562.178 

PIB /cápita. - 20.841 

Extension. - 92.391 Km2 

Catalonia. - 

GDP. - 200.323 millions  

Inhabitants. - 7.571.000 

PIB /cápita. - 27.627 

Extensión. - 32.144 Km2 

The figures are very different Catalonia it is in surface a third of Portugal and with 71% population regarding the Portuguese, he takes place alone 20% less what a superior PIB/capita allows so in 35% , the economy and the capacity of Catalonia is not comparable with Portugal neither wanting makes juggling quantum. 

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