domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013


I govern, political, professional arguers, writers, news papers, and many anonymous people that I don't hear them because they don't have the echo that they should have, they request and almost rather they demand, to Catalonia and the Catalan "a lot of responsibility" when to choose priorities and to have present that this it is a moment for the stability, to work together, and to take roads to find measures to overcome the economic crisis, independent, and social that has opened up between Spain and Catalonia. Very then I eat up they explain you that Catalonia is in the last positions in the budgets of the state, in reference to the investment per capita, and on the contrary this in third place in contribution to the public treasure, I eat up they explain you that the government of the PP, act like lash of Attila on the Catalan parliament's laws, against the statute, the teaching, the Catalan, etc. etc. 

Spain should understand that it is not for whim that 51% of the Catalan says that he would vote in favor of the independence of Catalonia if tomorrow a self-determination referendum was summoned. In the same surveys, you aims that they grow those in favor of an own State, in the one that 55,5% of those interviewed believes that they would "live better". This is for some reason, maxim when two years ago this same survey gave alone 30% independent, it won't be that what we are requested to Catalonia should also keep it in mind or first Spain, and concretely its government. 

Certain it is that to the surveys they are had to give the value that they have, and that doesn't have to amuse of the important thing. The great concern of the Spaniards, with independence of the place where they proceed or reside, it is the economic crisis, the social" crisis, but it is that since the PP governs, in Catalonia we are convinced that we are not in fact a priority for the government from Spain, rather on the contrary, we are the donkey of the blows, the one that is used to deviate the attention of the rest of the Spaniards, and that we are Spanish alone to serve as excuse when there are problems for the central government's incongruities. Then they leave to collation the vehicular language in the teaching, the critics to the euro for recipe, the embassies abroad, the difficulties of the Catalan’s sawing bank, TV3, the presumed Catalan political embezzlers, etc. but these alone traps serve so that much more people realize that without Spain we would be better. 

I believe that Spain should give him the importance and the respect due to the Catalan society, for very rebellious that seems and not alone to offer the habitual scorn to anything or cause that it comes from Catalonia. You look, I believe sincerely that the Spanish government should have answered with something more than a kind and unsubstantial and pejorative letter to the demands of the "President of the Generalitat", because that reflective exactly as they come us in Spain, insipid and kind and worthless, but it is not we are this way very much more, because at least the situation created today in Catalonia should be a sign of attention for the central government. The one that a region, autonomy, county, like want to name us, this thinking about that he would live better without Spain, should give them what to think although they repeat from their position that we make a mistake and that they won't consent it. 

Don't suffer so much for what can us. The difficulties of an act of such a span like the one that we attempt that is anything less than to give to light a new country in the world group, it is not a foolishness, it will be necessary to conquer many difficulties and incredulities, here we have it assumed. A lot before you governed, here already we begin to put control to the costs we already begin to clip expenses, our Catalan society already began to suffer the penuries of this Spain, a lot before you began to play with all us, falsifying data, trying to break the corridor of the Mediterranean, clipping the investments in Catalonia more than 45%, and I don't continue but because they already know the history and if they don't go and they ask it to the minister Wert.  

Don't insist on giving us lessons of priorities neither lessons of responsibility, neither they threaten us with but biblical plagues, here already they are we have taken more than for one year in consideration and without any help neither collaboration on the other hand, rather on the contrary, please look at you the results of the surveys and of the attitude of the Catalan society, because what we are telling them is that in these moments we see Spain very undoubtedly us alone he drowns us, but rather we doubt of herself it can leave to it floats with the macroeconomic data that we all know, and for this reason we think that it is not worthwhile to continue being the load donkey, this it is the reality that clearing is, aided in its absolute majority in the government, you as always will continue denying and rejecting, that yes, alone the opinions and demands that imposed not them of the Catalan society.  

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