miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2013


"The Catalan" will take place today the National Day with two well differentiated but complementary acts because one without the other one would not understand each other, on one hand the government, political, and institutional actors, they manifested their recognition openly to some painful but heroic facts happened in 1714, warring and mournful facts that finished with the capitulation of Catalonia surrendering to the faithful Spanish forces to the king Felipe V, with he put on it a final point to the war of Spanish succession, and to the lost of a great part of the identity national Catalan that was subjected on the part of the winners. 

 On the other hand today and already for second serial year the civil society "the town" rushes to the street it stops in this case if to "take place" almost like a party the fact of wanting be a different nation again, of being a country Catalonia again, to teach to who wants to see it this purpose the Catalan town comes out to the street in an almost massive way again and it demands with reasons again and without anger the renovated petition of separating Spain. That that has continued maintaining the intention of drowning the Catalan feeling to force to the town to feel Spain from 1714, thing that visible this they have not gotten, 

The reason of this, is almost incomprehensible, four hundred years of submission of imposition of a different culture, of a different language, of being low the government of political unaware to the town, and of a completely Castilian or Spanish civil education (until about 30 years ago) they have not been able to give in the Catalan feeling, and I say this because in many opinions of political and characters of the Spanish more nationalist culture, the situation of current rebelliousness is attributed to that the Catalan town has been educated against Spain by the education of the current system of the autonomy, and non gentlemen the Catalan town in any event, it will have been educated against Spain by the Spanish culture applied without barracks during 370 years, so they don't toss us those dominated, the ruler's blame. 

Therefore today again, evidently if the expectations the Catalan are completed we show the idea openly again that we want to fight for the national independence of our country and for that reason if that will be able to be denominated by the Spaniards as "the Catalan" independents. Hundreds of thousands of Catalan we plan to form a human chain of 400 kilometers along the community, from the frontier with Castellón until the frontier with France.  

We will unite our hands in a continuous line, to claim our union and I don't eat in some comments I have read to celebrate the defeat of the Catalan forces September 11 1714 before Felipe V after a blockade of 13 months to Barcelona. This anniversary takes place officially in Barcelona and it is directed and organized by the Catalan government as before I have already made reference. 

The demonstrators in the Catalan road, we look for to reinforce the fight for the secession after September of the 11 last year take place marches in favor of the independence. That first wave of fervor separatist took to the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Artur Mas, to commit to celebrate a referendum in 2014. 

The curious of this situation is that it has lapsed one year and the non alone swords have not been sheathed if not that they continue on high, the Spaniards throwing lunges one after other, and the Catalan stopping the blows and maintaining to line the aggressiveness of the Spanish nationalism, and the most curious thing that the surveys point that every time there is "more Spanish Catalan" that taking left by the convenience of the independence some go because they don't understand because Spain doesn't take conscience of the situation and it doesn't act for example as he makes it Great Britain with Scotland, other because they have really made bills and they see that it is certain that an autonomous country with 7.6 million inhabitants and a GDP of 30000 Eurus for capita is better and more comfortable than the current Spain full with unemployment problems and totally lacking of industry.  

Rajoy said on Friday that he hoped one can make reasonable things with Catalonia and that it was willing to continue with the conversations that began secretly in August. Hours before, Mas he had said that it would not summon a referendum unless has green light of the central Government, and that it could even retard it up to 2016. Mas I fear myself that all these manifestations are simply words to allow to pass the time and the events, in fact I believe that the reality today is that to the Catalan it builds up hopes us the independence, although the world falls us above as they assure us the Spanish nationalists that not any arrangement or concessions on the part of the Spanish government. 

They are already many in Madrid and Barcelona that believe that Rajoy and Mas, they don't have another option that to negotiate, Rajoy needs that Mas it assures the budgetary cuttings and the economic reformations applied in the autonomy that represents around a "fifth part of the economic production of Spain", Rajoy and its government they have taken as weapon, to counteract the peak born independent from the material slope, to announce that Spain is recovering quicker of that waited of a five year-old economic crisis, he also wants to give an image of stability abroad, so that many Catalan you the reconsider, but it doesn't strain the Spanish economic situation he doesn't recover and its international prestige is for the floors, for sample the Olympic fiasco.  

I don't believe that there is alternative of I dialogue and Madrid and Catalonia have to recognize that they already have a common problem that it is necessary to solve looking for a desirable shared solution for each one, the possible base for an agreement of a new fiscal pact that allows Catalonia to have more than to say on taxes and to limit the amount of financial transfers that every year ago to the rest of Spanish communities, I believe that it has been overcome because neither the Catalan now would believe it to us and because to the Spaniards in general would not admit it, 

The things are to take them to the most political land it is necessary to accept the Catalan reality and to accommodate it so that its more than probable segregation doesn't represent a deterioration impossible to support for both countries they are happened solutions like the creation of an union of Iberian nations in that forms of collaboration economic and commercial etc. etc. are studied that allow to make a softer transition that that of the uncompromising break of the three stays, and now truth that is the one that I fear myself would want to opt the nonexistent but overwhelming force Spanish nationalist if there is not a turn behind on the part of Catalonia.   

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