domingo, 12 de enero de 2014


The Euro camera has put in its aim point the administration of the troika with reason of an investigation on its social, labor and economic consequences that it includes visits to the rescued countries and a "interrogation" starting from Monday of the current and old leaders of European institutions.   

The European Parliament (PE) he agreed in November to begin their investigation to the administration of the triad of creditors formed by the European Commission (CE), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central Bank (BCE) whose conclusions will be approved in April, before the European elections of May. The Commission of Economic and Monetary Matters of the Euro camera (ECON) it is making for it several audiences to responsible current and old of the troika and visits to the four rescued countries: Portugal, Greece, Cyprus and Ireland, country this last one that the past left its adjustment program December 15.  

The Euro camera criticizes especially that the decisions of the triad, according to the draft of the conclusions to which has had access “Efe”. It also regrets "that from 2008 the inequality has increased above the stocking in the four rescued" countries, and that "the cuttings in the social benefits and the increase of the unemployment increase the levels of poverty."  

In fact, in parallel to the document of the ECON, the Spanish euro deputed Alejandro Fences (PSOE) - of the Commission of Employment and Social Matters - he prepares a report on the social aspects and of employment of the politicians impelled by the troika in which is denounced that they have not been carried out previous impact studies and the consequences of the adjustments in the unemployment and the poverty.  

In the same line, the Euro camera "sometimes regrets the projections too much optimists" of the troika, especially in what refers to the growth and the insufficient recognition of the political resistance in some States members. The IMF recognized the last year that some of its presage underestimated the effects of the measures of austerity in the unemployment and the growth of the GDP, the call effect multiplier.  

One of the recommendations of the Euro camera is that it is studied to change the Treaty of the UE to create an European" Monetary "Fund as a "alternative to the IMF", an idea that is not new, since already in 2012 Spain and other ten countries of the Union defended in the acquaintance's mark as "Club of Berlin" the establishment of an European institution from these characteristics to half term. One year later, experts of the center of studies Bruegel also pointed in a report to the necessity of reforming the troika with measures as the creation from a European Monetary Fund to the style of the IMF that he takes the helm of the programs of attendance.  

As he told to the heading too much leather, because the is not well already made, the tremendous differences that have been created so much economic as social in the CE are already so deep that don't see the possibility to return more or less to a balance satisfactory between economies and European societies, speaking of an EUROPEAN UNION in which intermingle some societies characteristic of the first world, with other clearly to the height of the third world are already, and the worst thing is that their road goes toward falling more deeply, the index of unemployment juvenile Europeans is in many cases at level of countries third mundista and for under already of those denominated emergent. 

This unquestionable fact is incompatible with some societies like the Nordic and Central European, in those that bend the capacity of well to be, salaries and labor occupation of the other ones, and the most dramatic thing of this are that those continue being richer thanks to forcing at second  to return the bankrupt investments that made in its moment, believing that thanks to the economic delay of these he would make them more competitive and more profitable than its own societies, the reality is that they knew how to make loans and important investments in the poor europa, and when they saw that it was not question of money but of industrial structures they threw to after, because if they continued facilitating money to create these structures, they were creating competition and not extra benefits. 

This is the reality and this is what they took charge to the "Troika", to not make of Mafioso collector with threats and pressures characteristic of a business very clear in that their objective was the credits facilitated to make its own business to return, and instead of assuming the losses like all instigator of a business that it fails, above they have charged it with interests and accusing to these societies of vague and almost of libertines. Now all to tremble, because who will vote in the next European elections, me not certainly, first I want to see that future europa is to vote and alone they have some few months to show it, if they don't not make it alone it will be Great Britain the one that will question the UE but rather in the own UE they will question its continuity.  

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