domingo, 5 de enero de 2014


This question arrived me yesterday through Twitter and derived leave of the new case of presumed bad practice of the managerial oligarchy and Spanish politics in this case for this order that is the bad reputation and the cost that it will cause us the great company manufacturer SACYR, yesterday it was also known that the government will send his minister of Development (you work you publish) to Panama to see of solving something because the government intervenes then in a case of a private company for the same thing that intervened in the banking because all are the same ones in Spain everything it is in an old civil and military guard's that derives of the real history hands and of the dictatorship. 

So I said that this will cost us a new economic effort to all the Spaniards because the government endorses to the company so that he gave bigger security to the Panamanian government because the Spanish offer was more than 1200 million Eurus below which am second, this system it is the one that has sunk the Spanish economy besides the real estate and credit madness of last decade. The executives of the big companies are or former politicians or friends of the class that it shows the power and the economy of Spain for me would say thousands of years. 

So when they lack money they go to the government and they ask him that it bids civil work, this he makes it and the one that requested it ago a false and very low offer, because this way officially the desire since is the best of all. The other ones know it but they remain silent because next time they will be them those favored. Then in the middle of the execution the main offer bends and it even triplicates its original cost t shift Spanish by means of its government he pays an and another time it works this way and I fear myself that many big Spanish managers have been believed that everybody is same and this now goes seeing that it is not this way. 

To the question that begins this explanation, I responded through Twitter: The first thing to learn how to vote, and him second to change the Constitution. My kind follower responded me; - do you put me in a corner Blas, that I am worth myself for what you call to "learn how to vote" of what am I worth myself? For the other thing... good question although I waited that in my previous answer he closed up the explanation of what I became he is necessary to ask, my last answer was: For the first of the experiences already lived and if we make it to it well second he goes alone. 

But I have not been satisfied maybe he should explain to me more and for that reason I write today this blog. I believe that to anybody he is escaped that Spain votes once in a way and the other time of the contrary one it cannot leave this way we cannot continue being so irresponsible and so dramatic, besides this alternation he joins another defect once we vote giving most absolute and other almost the absolute minority and to the same group because it passes this very simple we have not still learned how to vote because we still have very recent the period of Franco's dictatorship. 

The cycle begins this way: Franco dies and we almost vote that is to say what they tell us, a false political formation that hard single two legislatures and he comes undone that is to say it is used to approve a constitution that is a gibberish and to give time to compose a semi democracy with communist parties and everything (1977-1982), then it is rotated 180 grades and we leave to the socialist left (1982-1996) the things were quite well while they didn't have absolute majority but a moment that they dominate all the power arrives and they obtain most absolute and you finishes, it returns the style dictatorship what we know how to make better and total overturn another time. 

And we vote to a old right again the PP, first without majority that makes that the things work and the second leave democratic dictatorship another time and they begin all the wrongs that today has ruined us (1996-2004) we go back to the socialism which was not totally out but he gave same it was necessary to change, and this Spain already collapses completely and with clear absolute majority this (2004-2011) and before the disaster another time total turn and we return to the one that had gorged behind so single seven years and we give him most again absolute that is to say the democratic dictatorship. 

This is our problem we don't know that it is necessary to make to govern us or maybe it is that we cannot be governed because this is not a nation but a historical and civil incoherence we cannot continue this way or worse even so we won't leave because the current government is returning at the beginning that is to say from the cycle to 1977 and his intention is to stay there forever another time or good other 40 or 50 years you go that is. 

It is necessary to defeat these tendencies it is necessary to vote more alternative, with political news that entire party that doesn't present a real renovation is not vote him again because I already satisfy us they understand it. One cannot give absolute majorities because the only thing that we make is to create official dictatorships that are limited all that others had made to dismount and if it was very more quickly they destroy it, still they need but explanations I believe that no. 

If we get this we will be able to outline to change the constitution to put in law conditions that they make impossible the duplicities the eternal stays in the politics of the same characters that they are protected this way and this allows them to always be under space legal conditions and he is necessary to make in a word of Spain their particular farm. 

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