viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011


It is already well of giving turns to a situation that is clearer than the water, the such euro and as this established one this dead, and from today, or rather this week, the official organisms that are in charge of the world finances, are preparing everything to be able to make the change of foreign currencies as he thinks about the end, but of what there is no doubt it is that the end is already resolved. 

The central banks have provisioned from dollars to the financial world, so that when the break of the European unique currency is announced, all the assets can transform and passive in dollars, starting from here and until each new foreign currency settles down in its fair equivalence with the euro and the dollar. All the transactions in the international financial market were carried out in dollars with the result that the cash cascade that the banks have prepared has been in this foreign currency. 

They were probably three situations starting from the day December 9, if it doesn't explode before for the pressure that is accumulating in this respect, let us remember: On one hand the managerial and financial groups they are already prepared to make the change that is presented; France and Germany are trying to reach an agreement among them to try to maintain an alive euro, mainly France to save their triple A, if it doesn't get it the it will lose, and I already predict that there won't be agreement, the chancellor's tomorrow's words Merkel, doesn't leave place to doubts. But it is that this afternoon another road, the third, jumps the Council of Europe it is also negotiating with the disinherited countries that were not part of the euro to find another solution, and them because they negotiate, because very simple, if the euro modifies he will make outside of the political treaties of the UE and therefore it also breaks the own European Community, with all its consultants organs political etc.  

As they come it is not that there is a sign that the thing is imminent, it is that there are already three, well we go to the practical thing, to me to understand none of the calamities that they predict the interested ones in that there is mess, for that happened that to river jumbled gain of fishermen, the one in route to continuing will probably be the following one the day D a hour H the official change of the euro was marked in front of the dollar. This will be made this way because the euro already German for this way to say it, he revalued at least I calculate 20% for what won't be possible that you made the indexation of value of change the day that the other European countries can begin to carry out the change of Eurus for their new or old currency, that change was made based on the value of the day D. 

Starting from this value all the other countries passed their assets and passive to dollars that is to say the dead euro for this way to say it, the banks will have their dollars for the transactions international and financial operations and this situation lasted until parities of the different new or old foreign currencies settle down in front of the dollar, since the euro will be official currency of the German group and he will have its parity, Among so much the countries that have belonged to the euro will continue using it internally to be able to go to buy the bread and the brown etc.  

Of one day to other you cannot change the effective money, the central banks of each country will have to prepare and to manufacture new currency and when they have calculated the necessary quantity you will proceed to change the Eurus in being able to of the citizen for the new currency the same as it was made in 2002 but the other way around. The bills deposits values assets deposited in banks and other the numeric and equivalent conversion will simply be made that gives place, according to the parities defined thing that I smell myself that they are already getting ready, nevertheless there is a very easy one we make it with the peseta, when euro the peseta was made 0,00602 € it was worth and the euro was worth 0,909 dollar then if today the euro is worth 1.34 dollars the peseta 0,00814 € it is worth, if one wants to make the bills in the other address if in that date of the 2002 1 dollar it was worth 151,24, pesetas today it would be worth 111,85 so to transform the values it is not difficult. 

Another thing is once established the numeric parity in its strict equivalence, subtracted to see that appreciation or depreciation the market gives to the real value, but this is flour of another sack, but this doesn't care people of on foot what bore these fluctuations will be since effective as soon as he wants to change its currency for other and of course for the repercussion of the international transactions mainly in the commodities’ or of import, but on the contrary they will also have influence in the export, which was reduced or it will urge according to the valuation that the market of to the new or old foreign currencies.  

But forget the comments made by interested economists and financial markets that it is logical that it likes them to us this situation regarding that the GDP of the countries outside of the euro was depreciated at least until a 40 or 50%, this is not the GDP it will be this way the same one that if valued in another currency, that is to say if a country Spain has today a GDP of 10 billion Eurus, the day of the change he will have 1,228 trillion pesetas, another thing is that the solvency or credibility of each country, be valued in way different to which is it low the umbrella of solvency of an European Union, but this friends are another thing and it is already known, among all we kill her and her alone she died. 

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