domingo, 28 de junio de 2015


(Reuters) - Greece said that it could impose capital controls and to maintain to its closed banks on Monday after its creditors rejected to enlarge the program of rescue of the country and the citizens hurried to move away their deposits, elevating the confrontation level between Athens and the area euro… 

Varoufakis Tsipras and Syriza to the complete one have put in the cliff to the Greek society. I don't know if it is better the absolutist politics and without the youths' considerations but good covered economically political communist neo, or the old more diplomatic although half false political class of the capitalist democracy, but in the event of choosing certainly I choose the democracy before the dictatorship of the neo communism but in short there are likes for everything, at the moment today at 18,30  the Greek financial entities, they have stayed to it floats through the financing of emergency of the central bank, they are in the fire line in case Athens falls on Tuesday in moratorium for a debt of 1.600 million Eurus with the (IMF). 

Amid the political agitation in Greece, where a clear majority wants to remain in the area euro, next days they will suppose an enormous challenge to the integrity of the 16 year-old monetary block. "This is a matter that we will have to discuss during the night with the appropriate authorities, as much in Greece as in Frankfort", the Greek minister of Finances, Yanis Varoufakis said, regarding the setting in march of capital controls and to the closing of banks, in declarations to the radio station of radio of the BBC. 

Lines of 40 or 50 people were formed today in front of numerous automatic cashiers, waiting to move away their money in some retailers of the center of Athens. The Ministry of External of Germany emitted a warning of trips to the tourists that will go to Greece, pointing out that they should take I get effective enough to avoid problems in the event of having difficulties with the local banks. The Bank of Greece said that he/she was making "enormous efforts" to guarantee that the automatic cashiers stayed with effective. 

The BCE said in an official statement he has said that it will maintain in its current levels the emergency liquidity for the Greek banks, but that it was following the situation closely and that it could "reconsider its decision in any moment. In some European countries there is a growing opposition to extend the line of provided financing for the BCE. 

In Germany, and in countries of the south of the block that suffered measures of austerity in exchange for funds of the UE, and in nations of Europe of the This with standard of much worse life that those of Greece, many citizens and political they have already lost the patience. If it is determined that Greece should abandon the area euro, the line of financing of the BCE he will have to be paid by other members of the block. It is supposed that they refer to Germany, France, and the countries of the north. 

But the boss of the German Bundesbank already criticized the use of the line of financing of the BCE, and in declarations on Saturday before a chain of local television, the minister of Finances Wolfgang Schäuble questioned the solvency of the Greek banks, a key condition to receive the funds. The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, invited the political leaders of the main parties from the country to a meeting in Berlin on Monday to discuss the crisis of Greece. 

This cannot continue this way neither one day more this it is my opinion he is not good consultant the fear and the bewilderment and much less the blackmail that I sit down it a lot, but it is what is making Syriza. This political organization is putting in danger of death the economy of the Greek society, not that of its politicians that all they are very selections of material goods, on all Varoufakis, the one that more shingle and he rushes to the town against the European demons. 

After these last picked up news of the press of here and of there one he thinks that what the Greek government is making to the Greeks is an act of political cowardice because in any moment in electoral campaign are explained the Greeks the reality of his alone country they are been the half that is to say that Greece could not pay its debt but they are not explained because he was not able to and because he will never be able to what meant that they could not continue being members of the UE. And I say that it was a cowardice because today or rather yesterday their first minister plants them a referendum so that they decide, the town if they want to be poorer with the euro or poorer with the drachma, but what doesn't give them to choose is another road that is not the economic misery of the country. 

The situation is terrible because I am for sure no Greek waited that at the end of 5 ó 6 months of lies of ribbons and you loosen it has produced this end that on the other hand is the only one that there are after the stupid swaggers of the Greek negotiators, these they have passed for high that is Greece the one that should have arrived us until here and that the Europeans don't owe anything to them it belongs to idiots to believe that Europe owes Greece to be Europe this apart from being a stupidity has an answer crushing today it is Greece the one that owes Europe to be Greece and for the road that their politicians are taking this he has the counted days. 

The history happens and it is good to forge nations and also to eliminate them this the Greeks should know the best thing that none of us, because if they are recognized that they were the oldest civilization in Europe and the one that believe the bases of the democracy, like it is that they have arrived until here in the way that they have arrived after them the Romans, they came the barbarians of the north later, also the Ottoman empire, Europe left in two big blocks and religions we have made more than three European wars, we have created new states new laws in short that the current Greece is not entitled any of throwing to the face that we owe him something, and a lot less than we pay him their political and economic disasters.  

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