miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015


It seems that finally the incessant pursuit of Russia to Ukraine more the future step that the NATO is observing regarding that the Russian military maneuvers move toward the Baltic one threatening the communist former old republics as Estonia Latvia Lithuania and Poland has finally decided to put in these republics the “military mirror” in front of Russia so that this it is reflected in him what they are making them. The control military European of the United States (EUCOM), with general barracks in the city of Stuttgart, in the south of Germany, it confirmed today the information’s on a previous plan of the Pentagon of deploying tanks and equipment weighed in Europe of the This. 

A plan exists for pre to position tanks and equipment, but to day of today the decision from where it will be it has not still been formalized", he declared to Efe the spokesman of the EUCOM, the lieutenant major Frank "Mags" Magallon. The daily The New York Times had informed on Saturday that the Pentagon contemplates the unfolding of until 5.000 soldiers, heavy artillery and tanks in Europe of the East and the Baltic countries to stop an eventual aggression on the part of Russia.  

If the proposal is carried out it would be the first time from the Cool War he that United States deploys infantry mechanized in the enlarged frontiers of the NATO in the east of Europe like power dissuasive, what I call "The Mirror", would be the most serious step taken so far by United States in answer to the annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea on the part of Russia and the support of Moscow to the separatists Russian pro in the east of Ukraine. 

Naturally the reaction of Putin has not been made wait and he has announced that Russia will incorporate this year more than 40 intercontinental missiles of last generation, "able to overcome any antimissile defense system, even the more pointers", he has said today Tuesday Vladímir Putin, announcing it and rearms of its nuclear arsenal. The Russian president made these declarations during the ceremony of opening of the international technician-military forum "Army-2015", inaugurated today in the town of Kubinka, in the outskirts of Moscow. 

The Cold War is in progress and officially declared the president Putin has said in the course of these maneuvers that is not Russia the aggressor, the test it is that it is the NATO and the USA those that not come closer to the Russian frontiers the Russian that don't leave Russia and therefore, if one threatens its old friends, they must be prepared to help them at the same time of protecting its frontiers. This is the II cold war, it is the same theory that the USSR used when the first cold war (1947/1991). Russia falls in its same trap the war cold hill again much money of maintaining and this question went the one that I take to the USSR to disintegrate. 

As maybe some of my followers will have read in my articles in this respect, the western theory commanded by the USA consisted on going manufacturing more expensive more sophisticated weapons and the USSR tried to follow the rhythm he made the same thing with the space career and Russia continued spending all its economic potential to make see that it continued and it even overcame to the USA this left to the society of the communist countries in the most absolute des capitalization the five-year plans that the Russian technicians elaborated it was not completed neither one because there were not economic resources, since these they wore out in weapons, space rockets and espionage. 

The proportion of modern armament will arrive to 70% toward the 2020 in the Russian army, and in some cases, at the 100 for a hundred, Putin underlined in the same exhibition, an ambitious person programs of it rearms Russian that grants priority to the nuclear submarines, the strategic aviation and the intercontinental missiles. As they come the most expensive thing from building. The same as then the difference among the construction of the western military force with regard to the Russian is that what the Russian program occident has already manufactured it as Russia goes having new armament it was that it will already be old in relation to the Westerner and he forced to continue deviating economic resources dedicated to the society to the army so that it builds more weapons for anything. 

The other aspect is that while the western armament manufactures it private companies and therefore believe on of work that rebound since in consumption and growth of the GDP they believe a substantial business of sale of weapons to Europe and the countries Arab rich etc. In alone Russia they manufacture the weapons the state with what they don't rebound its economic efforts in the Russian town but just the opposite it is bean it deviated resources toward the production of weapons that they won't sell because its clients are terrorist or rebels that don't buy more than remains and armament more or less simple. 

I believe that the reason for which the USA has finally started the II Cool War it is because it is now the moment they join a fall of revenues in Russia for the fall of prices of the petroleum today it is that the first producing of petroleum are already the USA with what gives above being able to more than Russia also lowers him the prices, frankly it is not the moment you know very well that they seek the USA for if alone to begin this strategic plan.  

It is possible I wanted this way it that it is a plan combined with the UE to see of to get a second crash of the Russian economy and to take advantage of the occasion so that once and for all Russia looks at Europe and open up to unite as European nation it is as always I say the solution to save the economic life of the UE because here we are out we don't need anything we have too much economic surplus and however we have a lot of unemployment we are in figures stockings of 12% when the USA is among the 5 / 6%, and with an immigration that we cannot support.  

The relationships between Russia and West cross one of their worse moments of the last decades, without precedents from the Cool War, for the paper of Moscow in the crisis of Ukraine. Moscow has increased the number of rehearsals of its nuclear weapons sensibly and of military maneuvers so much in the frontiers with the European Union as in other regions of the country. But the ruble has fallen to the hells and the economy holds back for the Russian population's savings it is bean it enters anything less than 40% of what entered for the gas and the petroleum and above now will make it spend manufacturing your arm to give us fear but that it cannot use because the serious reaction tremendously expensive for them. 

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