martes, 26 de enero de 2016


Mariano Rajoy, and the leader of Citizens, Albert Rivera, they have agreed this Monday that the teams of their respective parties begin conversations to analyze the political situation and to explore formulas that allow that the legislature tosses to walk and be possible the governability of Spain. This quite undoubtedly translated this paragraph is said that it doesn't care that there have been in the elections what it is necessary to make it is to reestablish the government of the immobility of the Spanish right, it is as if joins another time Francisco Franco with its National Movement and José Antonio Primo de Rivera with its Front of Youths, that is to say the absolutist political outlines that were imposed in Spain after the civil war and during the dictatorship. 

Rajoy and Rivera have reached this agreement in a phone conversation that both have maintained yesterday afternoon, as he has informed Citizens. This strategic alliance between the candidate of the PP and that of Citizens both of rigorous right, it arrives in spite of the fact that so that they can govern they would need to enlarge the agreement to the PSOE that has underlined until the moment whenever it won't support the investiture of Rajoy, and without specifying it expressly to Albert Rivera. 

During their chat that has been brief, according to the sources, the Government's president in functions and Rivera leader of the fourth party in parliamentary representation in the Congress, they have suited in that the conversations begin when the second beat of contacts that the King will maintain with the diverse political leaders concludes. 

That beat will begin starting from next Wednesday after Felipe VI have received the president of the Congress, Patxi López, in charge of making him the name of the representatives of the diverse parties that they will go to the “Palacio de la Zarzuela” to arrive. And that it represents that they have options to be presented to the investiture.
But so that they want to meet Rajoy and Rivera if already both love and collaboration have been sworn for the investiture of Rajoy, according to Citizens, Rivera has transferred Rajoy the necessity to maintain contacts to contrast the coincidence points and the discrepancies among their respective parties. Anyway, the leader of Citizens has defended the necessity that in this legislature they are carried out the "deep reformations" that it considers that Spain needs. Rivera has intention of making with the PSOE the same thing that with the PP, something that foresee to transfer the socialist leader, Pedro Sánchez, when he speaks with him, foregone in next hours. 

But these explanations are a political lid what they want to make PP and Citizens it is to destabilize the dome of the PSOE that is to say to look for the necessary and able traitors of executing for the back to the leader of the party Pedro Sánchez and before the songs of positions and positions in the future government of Spain to be lent to the betrayal of facilitating the investiture of the PP for this legislature, because if there is not internal betrayal there is not possible government maybe neither for the PP neither for the PSOE.

If the Spanish right is able to carry out that the old guard and some politicians of the PSOE that the only thing that they care is the salary of a position are the one that is in the administration of the state or of the party, be able to neutralize Pedro Sánchez the objective it will be gotten this it is the strategy concocted by the PP and seconded by citizens. If this is completed alone it was to ratify it at once of a second investiture of Rajoy with a simple abstention of the PSOE it is not necessary neither to be meant voting YES, because in a second turn the candidate is chosen with simple majority and PP and Citizens in this supposition they have it.  

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