sábado, 2 de enero de 2016


A published news last day December 14 opened me the road to think that he was simply a news of present time more, it could be the official beginning of a warlike cycle of international character that saving the time and the culture can suppose the evolution of and a culture based on a religion very anchored in the time and that it has not evolved in centuries, marking with it political, societies, even races and of course nations. Maybe they will have guessed that I refer to the Islamic world.      

The Islam is a religion monotheistic abrahámica whose faith is based on the book of the Koran, which settles down as fundamental premise for its believers that there is not more God than Ala and that Mohammed is Allah's last messenger. It is evident that we are speaking almost of the same starting point, we are speaking of the beliefs monotheistic fact this that I change to the humanity at the moment forever, the parallelism among God (I christen) and Ala (Islam) it is total. The Islam began later on with Mohammed's preaching in the year 622 of our era in The Mecca (in the current Saudi Arabia).     

And today they can have heard or seen in same news of different origins that Saudi Arabia has executed an outstanding clergyman chií and dozens of members of al-Qaeda, in a sample that it won't tolerate the attacks of the yihadistas suníes neither of the minority chií that demands equality, but this caused nuisances in the whole region. It continues being very difficult to assimilate for the Muslims the wars among them, it is curious another thing is the vengeances or even the terrorism without pity, Muslim chiíes went in the district of Qatif in the east of Saudi Arabia to protest for the clergyman's execution Nimr al-Nimra. The demonstrators screamed "below to the Saud", the name of the family governs Saudi. 

And it is curious because, most of the 47 dead criminals in the biggest massive execution carried out in the Kingdom in decades were condemned suníes for attacks of to the Qaeda in Saudi Arabia ten years ago. Four, including Nimr, they were accused chiíes of shooting against policemen. The executions took place in 12 cities of Saudi Arabia, where four prisons appealed to shooting platoons while the rest opted for decapitations. In December, to the Qaeda in the Arabic Peninsula threatened to undertake reprisals against the Kingdom for any execution of their members. 

Iran, the main regional rival from Riyadh, and their allied chiíes reacted immediately with strong condemnations for the execution of Nimr and the police saudita reinforced the security in a district in that that sect of the Islam is majority, in the event of protests, residents said. An important Iranian clergyman said that the Government of the family to the Saud will "be erased of the pages of the history", the group Houthi of Yemen described to Nimr like a sacred" "warrior and the Lebanese militia of Hezbollah said that Riyadh had made "a serious error." 

The ruling family to the Saud of Saudi Arabia has done with concern how the last years of agitation in Half East, especially in Syria and Iraq, they have given to be able to and importance to groups yihadistas suníes that look for to overthrow it and that they have given opportunity to that the Iran chií spreads its influence. The simultaneous execution of 45 Saudi, an Egyptian and a man from Chad was the biggest massive act in that type for violations to the security of Saudi Arabia from the elimination in 1980 of 63 rebellious yihadistas that captured the Great Mosque of the Mecca in 1979. Among the 43 yihadistas executed Saudi several prominent members figured of to the Qaeda, including those convicts for attacks against western facilities, government buildings and diplomatic missions in those that hundreds of people died between 2003 and 2006. 

I have always believed that the Christianity left its darkness when the society separates the religion, of the government of the society and the power step to the civil environment, the power of the religion was changed by that of the kings and of course for that of the noblemen and the weapons, the culture step to depend from the civil power and the religion accent step to the politics, something more human than the mystic power of the religion, the church the monks passed to take care alone of the spirituality, of the faith of the society, he was discovered the new world and you began a war after other, each war changed or it created something, or nations, or districts, it created new warlike geniuses and so forth the religion it also broke, Lutherans, Calvinist, etc. and the traditional one Catholic Roman, they are examples of it.   

The question is that we had entered in the modern age and later in the contemporary and the most important thing to me to understand, it is that every time that we advanced the religion he went back, until being bounded to each person's interiority, but without was an imposed condition neither necessary to be developed as person and society, except for very marginal cases, the most important thing of all this apart from the culture that we acquire in all the environments of the art and the sciences, was always a tremendous fact the small and big WAR. Europe has happened for practically three enormous wars the Napoleonic ones, I consider the first European war, the Great Guerra that also called you the first world war that gave beginning in 1914 and it concluded in November of 1918, when Germany requested the armistice, until the beginning of the second world war 1939/1945.

Very since the news to that I have referred and the one that Saudi Arabia announced the past December 14, a military coalition of 34 Islamic countries to combat the terrorism that has the support of other ten, among them Indonesia, and that he will have its center of combined operations in Riyadh. I believe that it is the Global Islamic Guerra's beginning and that we will already see if it reached us or it was bounded in the Arab world. As he informed the Saudi agency (SPA), the objective of the Islamic alliance is to be protected "of the wrongs of all the armed groups and terrorist organizations - whichever it is its doctrine or title - that it extended the slaughters and the corruption in the world and they are designed to terrify to the innocent" ones. The purpose of this coalition is to "close lines and to unite efforts to combat the terrorism" in all its forms and manifestations and the elimination of its objectives and its causes, and he underlines the right from the States to the legitimate defense.   

The 34 countries that participate in the alliance, besides Saudi Arabia, they are: Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Turkey, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Yibuti, Senegal, Sudan, Sierra Lioness, Somalia, Gabon, Guinea, Palestine, Comoros, Qatar, Costa of Ivory, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Mali, Malaysia, Egypt, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Yemen. Other ten Islamic countries have expressed their support to this alliance and he will take the necessary measures in this respect, among them Indonesia, adds the official statement.   

I believe that we are in the face of the possibility of changing the very first history I believe that we will see like the Arab changed their history and we will see as much as it will affect us to the Westerners. The madness of the (EI) it is evident that it reached us in fact it has already reached now us it depends on us and our allies to be the sufficiently strong and skilled ones to help to the Islamic Arab world to defeat to their medieval obscurantism, and we must make it for the right of defending to ourselves, but without giving the image of wanting to impose our world in that of them.  

After all this I conclude, I believe and I risk that the change has begun in the Islamic world as we made it the western Christian with the help of wars among us, it will be the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the beginning of the first Islamic war (third world war) if it is it, it changed the world equaling forms and approaches of government's life and of personal freedom, it will be possible that a warlike cycle that disassembles the tremendous one begins (for us the Westerners) dependence of the Islamic religion that dominates governments and lives in the way that him ago.  

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