viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011


The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, she has requested to the countries that give lessons to Europe to solve the financial crisis that stop to oppose themselves to the rate to the financial transactions that it proposes, in allusion to United States, in particular". it is not possible that those that, outside of the area euro, they urge continually to that act against the crisis, reject the introduction at the same time from a rate to the transactions financial", Several members of the G20, as Japan or Brazil, they are favorable to the creation of this rate, but United States and China they oppose you.  

Merkel is not as you they know, a politics to which has him a lot of sympathy; but that that if I have him it is a certain admiration to always show sometimes too much its decision and hardness in imposing its ideas. It is not good that there are countries that resist to the application from a rate to the financial" transactions, Merkel she said before the meeting that the minister of Economy of the G20 will take place this weekend, where she waits that the key questions on the regulation of the financial markets and the prevention of the derived problems of the existence of entities 'too big to fall' and too influential to be able to alter the figures and valuations of the general economy and peculiar of nations and stamens.  

Is there in my thought, a doubt that a while ago goes me jumping for my head such a doubt he becomes a question for me without answer still why he doesn't trust of the G-20?  I have already said before I don't have the answer, but if I have the suspicion of the it assaults me the question. They will see the tremendous repercussions of the call economic crisis they are lengthening a lot in the time and I don't find logical neither normal that a situation that he believes so many problems and you kill it is contemplating of month in month or if they hurry me of trimester in trimester.  

They will also agree with I crumb that in fact every time that a "G" takes place with the I number followed that you want the things they worsen and the attacks to the proposals and ideas of the area euro are total and without the smallest consideration thrown to the paper basket if they hurry me he would even say that they are after some days like boomerangs that are returned in against our, I have developed a theory in this respect of what can be happening. 

To explain to it I have to remit myself to my theory that there is not crisis but rather what there is a change of economic cycle in that some emergent economies want to take the relief of the old capitalist economy and based on the western democratic principles, I base myself to base this theory in that the "crisis", was born in USA and continuous in the European Union, but there is not crisis mainly in the rest of the world economies in the emergent ones, and therefore it is absurd that if there is a market of more than 7000 million consumers in march, an economy in small relationship as the European has problems of productivity and their companies so much industrial as financial they cannot take advantage of the technology necessities and financial of this world market and maxi me when this same market recognizes to the EURO like the strongest foreign currency in the world. 

I don't know if I explain to myself enough but I believe that you understand me, the parameters don't square me, because if we are economically broken, and sunken, in our debt foreign currency it should be for the floors, and it is not this way because if we are attacked from the FED from the White House from the city of London it is that they pay more for our foreign currency, give him the turns that want, but the normal thing is that to an economy in real risk, the first thing that happens him is that their currency stops to be safe and therefore it is devaluated, as this it is not happening I reach the conclusion that the economic world has the security that the European economy is safe and reliable then that it happens. 

Because giving turns to this without reason, I have reached the conclusion that there are a pact agreement or strategy so that the emergent economies are balanced with the Westerners and it formulates it to use to get it is not to elevate the level of more than 8000 million people but in reducing the level of 1000 millions, and in this we are the crisis in false there is not real crisis it is a solution to get that the western society comes closer but an but to the societies emergent, less purchasing power less sanity less vacations less well to be so less than all the road is clear they will collapse up to where they want and once there left us free of crisis, sovereign debts, etc. and all to work as Chinese and pardon for the expression but there is not another that is adjusted but to the reality. 

I suppose that there is not solution because they already come you that the USA has already abandoned years ago are slaves from China and of its economic influence for that reason in these moments are the own USA the main critics of the mini European rebellion they don't support us they don't want to follow our guidelines they want that we fall in the new masters' of the world hands, the same as without realizing they fell when they changed the productive engineering for the financial one with the idea that it passed just the opposite of what has happened they wanted to take advantage of some Asian poor and at the end the Asians have bought them the whole country. 

For that reason I have titled this I articulate care with the G-20 because in this "G" anything won't come out good for our economy this alone "G" wants the GLOBALIZATION from the world societies to image and likeness of the strong emergent powers of the century 21. Chancellor Merkel if you can face this bill with me crumbs. 

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