jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011


Will it end up maturing in Germany something similar to the American “Tea Party”? Many believe that something similar it is already germinating and that their land is not another that the rejection to the credits and salvages dedicated to indebted European countries. Of what there is no doubt, it is that if that rejection ended up being summed up politically, the former boss of the employer one Hans-Olaf Henkel will be the key person. 

Before this concise paragraph, it leaves of an article published today in "the Vanguard" of Barcelona, they have jumped me all my alarms, how many times I have written the importance in well or bad, of the influence of Germany on the destination of Europe and vice versa all influence has had and he has Europe in the destination of Germany, but as always I say, the time is stubborn and in its to go and to come, he makes possible all the predictions that the humans make having the logic and the knowledge of the history. 

The chancellor Merkel with their wrong to make, it can take us surprisingly to the solution of the crisis of europa trust, or on the contrary, it can make worse it more and to divide the little thing that it is of the European Union, at the moment before the sign that emanates of the society of their own country, it can happen that the German nationalism, of so sad memory reborn with unusual force another time, and in this supposition we won't be speaking of the "Tea Party" we will be in front of the IV Reich * (* Empire) German, but this time surprisingly the fact would leave of the high society or German bourgeoisie, instead of the labor proletariat from where the III Reich was born and with him, the sad time of the Nazism. 

Consultant and investment banker, Henkel was, between 1995 and 2000, president of the employer BDI, one of the big powers factices of Germany, against which you cannot govern. Today is consultant of half dozen of big German companies and the second more present Tertullian in television programs and radio. The last year published a titled book to “Save our money” whose subtitle was The euro it swindles he threatens our well-being. From then on it proposes the creation of two Eurus in Europe. The serious countries of the north - Germans, Finnish and Dutchmen - they would have a hard euro, while to the "cheerful spenders" and unable to be disciplined southern, with France to the head, it would correspond them a soft euro. 

As they come the nationalism he reborn (this capitalist time) German, the spark, the bad European administration of the crisis, this phenomenon that I come saying that it doesn't exist but rather it is the change of economic cycle that affects us of full and that our disunion makes almost impossible that we can repel the attack of the speculators, because these knowing of the European idiosyncrasy, attack for separate taking care of much of making it frontally to in fact avoid the possibility of an effective and quick union of the combined forces of the area euro. 

It divides and you will conquer, and go if it is certain this military maxim, they have been attacking us of it was toward inside from an end and from the other one, this way during a couple of years more or less little by little but causing a loss of trust and practically irreparable material, finally the attack three months ago has been already total and they have gone directly to the heart of broken Europe and weakened previously, it is ridiculous to think that with a small weapon, The debt of Greece Ireland and Portugal hardly 3% of the PIB of the potent Europe of the euro, have been able to win the economic war against our interests. 

They already it, in how many my articles have referred to these facts, memory that I title of: Europe is not Germany but Germany is Europe, and it is that it has always been that a form or another. After the intent of unification of Napoleon, the europa history has been consequence of the acts of the Germanic ones, and today is flatly this way another time, I believe that the Chancellor Merkel has finally been given bill and its hurry today in day, it is to look of putting an end as soon as possible to the discrepancies and the games of power of the 17 countries of the area euro, for example of Slovakia that with single 5,5 million inhabitants, he has the agreement of the amplification of the European Fund of Financial Stability, waiting to that its parliament decides, and while more than 300 million people suffering cuttings, lost incredible, and without being able to make anything. 

It is not that he in fact gives the blame to this country, it doesn't accuse her it is of the Union that acts in a way that we would say in Spain that he wants to "swim and to keep the clothes" and that is a duality that you cannot get, good unless you throw yourself to the dressed river, and in this if he has the blame Germany, because I believe that it has been their excessive indecision their excessive one to want to keep their clothes, the one that has prevented us to leave swimming outside of the current of this jumbled river of the global economy.   

The dissatisfaction and German anxiety, connect with the public opinion, to the one that, for lack of anger and populist, the German Government has not explained the simple reality: that Germany was not only the inventor and great beneficiary of the euro, but rather he has a lot to lose if the euro breaks. But in the street the breach is, truly critical: 19% of the citizens approves the amplification of the FEEF while 75% rejected it, they pointed out the surveys the past September 29. To pick up that dissatisfaction politically can be very tempting.  

Well as final point I tell them, if the Chancellor Merkel loses the departure, and it is not able to redo the economic conditions of the euro area, its own failure, and its own country they destroyed us, and Germany formed another union of interests again with the countries of the north, the high ones, blond, and with blue eyes, and they didn't doubt to create its "IV Reich" and the other, included France, we will take some other solution to defend, in short, I don't know if it sounds them of something this history, at least to those that we have more than 60 years if and a lot. 

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