miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011


There won't be modernization of the rail logistics in the Iberian Peninsula the intelligent engineer of channels ports and roads and expert in strategic logistics of transport the Sr José Blanco has presented to Brussels a net of spider's web so expensive and ineffective that all possibility has been loaded that the trade of reasonable goods and going to east / europa, pass for Spain, I don't want to make a class of logistical engineering that could make it, but he doesn't give me the desire, of this demoniac centralist country that is able to make true that pure sentence am already of “before dead that bends”.  

Spain and their central government, he has preferred to be killed before to consent that a strategic success for Spain, and a river of business and facilities of companies, with the rising creation of work positions, goes by Catalonia, that clear and concise. The project in Net like Mr. Blanco denominates it is economically in viable for two reasons, one for his exaggerated longitude and cost in matter and civil work, the supposed railroad would go by kilometers and kilometers where there is not neither it loads neither inhabitants, and second because a net that leaves of a single point, Algeciras and he wants to distribute in net it means that the division of loads makes unviable other corridors for that they lacked balance of loads, they will see so that a logistical corridor works, he has to go full in the two addresses, it is essential that it leaves of a point and arrive to other totally saturated, and return equally saturated of load in contrary sense, that in net is impossible because in many of the steps of the corridor they would be single destination, but not origin of loads, or because one thinks that the European project is denominated “strategic axes” a "axis" it is something that goes off a place to other the most direct, right, and quick thing possible, and not being returned by a country until finding the exit. In short I have said that I don't want to give any logistics lesson I am quiet. 

It is not this the question the strategic concept of that obtained it is that Brussels is still laughing at us and the test is that he has said that if to everything, because neither it is its mission to correct the stupidities of its partners, and in passing it was saved some thousands of millions of Eurus, because anything won't be made that said it is in passing it is what Spain wants, that said "before dead that bends" translated: before to favor in something to Catalonia prefers to die from poor all (good all less Madrid clearing) that they don't need any logistical corridor, with the ministries they already have enough. 

I understand that the politicians Catalan and Mediterranean today they make see that they are satisfied fifty-fifty, but to the Catalan society I tell them that the day after tomorrow they will curse in silence the pain of being in this country anachronisms tyrant and I cut of all lights, unable to see what meant to be entrance door and exit of and toward the east trade, the future as well as who doesn't want the thing, the worst thing it is that now the port of Marseilles will be reactivated that already prepares from connected net to the corridor Fermat, as well as that of Genoba in Italy that also has wide of via European, good-bye to the efforts of Barcelona that it had been able to overcome them and almost to annul them and to leave them alone for local use, this also crawled to Valencia, Cartagena, and Algeciras but good these areas didn't complain, they are part of those that don't bend. 

Don't be believed anything of what the Spanish government says, what they have captured is of such an absurdity that what they want is very undoubtedly it is not to make anything, mother of god 48.000 million Eurus in works is that she doesn't know neither to say lies, that cost the rails but he is that a corridor is not single rails, they are accesses, they are warehouses, they are parking’s, it is pursuit technology, of control, teams and heavy machinery for load and it discharges, or it is that the Sr Blanco alone wants to mount an electric train of children that happens and make PIII PIIII.  

Catalonia cannot continue this way and here, I don't believe that the future PP changes opinion and it is centered in the important thing, they won't make it and we will be I eat now, always with airports ghosts, with deficit high-speed lines, with unoccupied marine ports, with thematic parks in crash, with cities of the light to dark, etc. etc. has and it finishes it that I warn them, the airport of the Prat in Barcelona or it was not privatized or if one makes, it will be to the same group that privatizes Barajas in Madrid he will stay this way the monopoly that not, you will already tell it to me. 

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