domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012



The destruction of the socialist Spain is total and evident, it seems that we have entered in a career without control to put an end to all that stays in foot coming from the recently concluded stage socialist Spanish worker that said it is in passing neither he/she is already a worker and it is already very little what could stay. In an act of supine unconsciousness and of political selfishness the government of the PP refuses to make the budgets for 2012 until last the elections of Andalusia, it is clear his intention of prefixing his absolute domain of the politics and government of Spain, to the health of his economy and the reestablishment of a possible reactivation that it is what is truly necessary us.


This reality is in what the PP should repair as soon as possible, because this it is the resulting sin the eight years old, and not to worry so much about the social and innocuous laws that don't influence in the labor and economic march of the Spanish society, I believe that there was not so much hurry to change the laws, in innocuous principle for the fall of the Spanish society, as those of the divorce, the abortion, etc.


To solve a labor regulation that is not good at the moment to create work, alone to get worked up the personnel, to approve a financial reformation to consolidate the excesses of the banks, and that he doesn't have effectiveness some, like one is already seeing to those 100 days of government, it is not very little baggage for so many promises and expectations with which the PP you presents to the last general elections, and here they have us, today we will have to pay 52,000 millions of € to save some banks ruined by their bad administration, and for the interested decisions of De Guindos, more other 40.000 more millions for the bad bills of the deficit of the state, and however in these 100 days we continue without knowing with which we count for the year to happen, this is not government this is mismanagement.


Also the government, he is already making traps to Europe, to the Spanish town, and to the autonomies, a government that consents to the power, is supposed that the first thing that should make is to give a certain trust, so that the voter this according with what has voted that less, but not here it doesn't pass that, the government he has entered in functions razing with everything, but unemployment, less affiliation to the social security, galloping deficit, descent in the box of the Social security. Less companies or more closings of companies like want, I smash brutal in the national banking, I increase of the sovereign debt, increase of the budgetary deficit, even after applying like it has been made here in Catalonia, brutal cuttings and essentials for the sanity, the education, this is not logical.


When the things don't square with the logic, I never think that it is by chance, rather the experience has demonstrated me that when this happens, it is because it interests that it happens and they have prepared this way, and to me to understand the reality it is that he is going to the Spanish society to a perfectly planned project that consists on changing the social structure and politics of the current Spain, toward another Spain that is the one that prefers the most extreme right in this country, making see that it is the only possible road to save the catastrophic situation that the own government is creating and magnifying without any blush, for the love of God where one has seen that a government of right, request loudly that the unions of left mount them a general strike.

The current government will take to the total ruin to all the Spanish autonomies, except a, that of Madrid, this is already this way, few days ago to a councilman from Madrid he is escaped a manifestation in the sense that while Spain fell -0,3% of the GDP, Madrid its GDP it grew in 1.7%, this news hunts it to the flight because it disappeared quickly of press, but he gave me that to think, think you that so that a part of Spain that represents 17% in its context, grow a 1,7 while the total of 100% in that the super power is included, falls -0.3% he/she means that there are communities regions or like want to call it that are in some brutal fall figures of the order of -7%.  

This imbalance that the government knows that it is impossible to balance it if they stay 17 bills or separate budgets, how the government goes to sacrifice the economic results of his capital to balance the community that is falling 7% and that for ended he is a lot of adult that the capital, the only form that he has off to make it and to maintain the distances it is joining everything, and this way the statistic that is completed of the joke in that if one alone among three, he eats up three chickens, the bill says that they have eaten up a chicken each one.

This takes me to the conclusion that the current government, he has decided that I eat he won't be able to lift all Spain he has decided to centralize it and to minimize it at level geo-economics, so the economic plan of the PP rests in concentrating the whole economy and all the productivity on the community of Madrid, and to leave completely to its luck to all the other Spain, and not alone that, but it will also sew them to taxes that convert them in untenable for the economic possibilities of this Spain and of its inhabitants.


The plan is good, numerically he will give result, the concentration of wealth in a powerful nucleus it will disguise the reality statistically, and this new Spain presented some good indexes in front of the europa of the euro, if this is gotten it is probable that the circumstances allow to go increasing other poles of growth, in the places that in spite of the spoil and the government carelessness, be nearer to be able to maintain the statistical parameters that the central government considers capable for his international position.

This how much it can last, because this way for above about two years, among so much it will have been possible to empty of content many autonomies, with what I suppose many they will disappear for own petition, this way the right Spanish re compounder Spain without necessity of governing against the effective constitution, and at the end we will have the territorial Spain that I leave Franco to their death, with the only difference that maybe and hypothetically have two or three only exceptional fiscalidad, the current ones in the Basque and Navarre country, and in Catalonia.


Sibylline but clear as the water, this plan explains all the incongruous one that he is making this government, in all the ministerial facets, stop in public works, beginnings of new projects in phase of study that they paralyze those foreseen for time, Olympiads to all coast, maintenance of projects for new rail corridors that alone they are good to paralyze the Mediterranean corridor, maintenance to all coast of Bankia, cluster of small banks and boxes of character regional, next law of homogeneous sanity in Spain, next law for the common trade for the whole territory national, new laws for the education national, new norms of national security, in short if I leave myself something you can to aim it. This is the reconstruction plan, and like he said at the beginning first it is necessary to demolish all that built until today and in that we are. 

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