jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012


If there is something that today cannot end up understanding of the Spanish unions, it is its blindness in killing the "hen of the eggs of gold" for the pure pleasure of having some covers in press and some grants and enormous prebends, so much of economic type, as figurative and of platform of personal launching for many of its leaders and followers on the way to the superior status of political.  

The union leader or the unions should complete other missions that not the alone and exclusive of maintaining alive the labor fight, this already step, today to the worker that carries out their function in their office table, or in their factory with heating and air conditioning, surrounded of all type of technical helps, to make the most comfortable and productive thing their work, it cannot be inculcated that it leaves to fight against their congeners, or against the forces of public order, without to repair in anything neither to calculate the damage that is conferred to the own hard-working society, everything for the pure tradition of some unions with mentality of principle of last century. 

The function of a labor union should already be other much more wide, more intelligent, more professional, less political, fewer exacerbated, a modern union cannot act as when the worker faced days from sunrise to sunset, or he worked without any right, neither so at least to the one of not having insured his life for a given labor accident the conditions and types of works. That time already step thanks to all the labor ones and also to you the unions. 

But now you don't help the workers, you use them mainly for their own profit political, you don't have any interest and much less intellectual capacity to change and to face to make studies for the future viability of the pensions, of how to treat the improvement of the unemployment, of how to not help to a company that goes by difficulties for several causes, you alone they worry to send people to the street, to leave you in the first pages of the newspapers, they care a pepper that they lose their work position some thousands more than workers in view of these reactions, today or tomorrow, and that they close the possibilities that other companies enlarge their insoles, or install new factories and work positions in their labor market. 

What it would happen if the Spanish state stops to pay them, so that I have never understood because they make it, and their salaries and mítines had to pay them you, with the revenues that provides them the members that affiliates because demonstrates them day by day that you defend its work with the help of being early to the problems of the labor world, and not later like they make now, he makes five years like minimum that work is destroying in Spain that they have made you to avoid it, when they have lit the alarm light that measured they have outlined to the government authorities and the economic and managerial forums, to coordinate a work plan, before the situation became what today has installed in our country. 

Don't make me laugh if the solution that you propose now, is the manifestation and the general strike, this is not good for anything, rather just the opposite, or the work market is reactivated with and like be, or they are not already in danger more on of work, it is that it is in danger the Social security, The jubilation pensions, the Grants of the unemployment. The whole lattice of the labor world one is coming below and to you alone they are happened to protest for a reformation labor today in impracticable day, and to take people to the street in manifestations of total coercive violence with the basic principle out of not saving the worker but their intimidation power. It general, they don't make me laugh and call it for their name today what you have started it is general politics’ act it is clear that what you attempt is to be justified to themselves to try the governments to continue them feeding of grants. 

You should know the reality of the situation, and in view of her what they cannot make is to cause more social imbalances of those than unfortunately they feel alone, you have to help to create employment, they have to help catches the males, to the companies and the managers so that they take out benefits as soon as possible, and workers hire again, and not what they are making now that it is not more than to already make scarce the bad labor situation of the country, as if was a pure and strange vengeance, and exclaiming cynically that you have not contributed to create this situation. 

It is necessary to explain to the labor world that is happening and because it has happened, as a government he didn't know how to see that the fat luggage racks don't last a lifetime, and he didn't know how to keep for when arrives the thin luggage racks, and it was him easier to make the worker that one could live almost without working believe, and worse still that a peon of the construction with 20 years could win more than a graduate in medicine or engineering to give an example, and to explain to them where they were you then, like they found this normal and logical and they didn't put the scream in the sky, even when they began to see that many industrial companies one gives they located for that could not maintain some fictitious salaries and outside of the possibilities of the economy and the Spanish competitiveness. 

That they made when they saw that in Germany they began to lower the salaries, while here it was paid more and more by anything that you thought that the Germans were silly, they didn't know how to see or to ask what happened, or I don't interest them to see it, that era their work, to control, to foresee, to denounce the excesses that have brought us until this situation, now is to tolerate and to be bothered as everybody, the cynicism of their postures is for me intolerable, this way while you rip the vestments of the other ones, you act exactly the same as their staunch enemies, this way the workers of CC.OO. and UGT and all in general now are the victims of a logical mistaken evolution that you didn't know or they didn't want to alert and to correct. 

As they have almost made 70% of the companies in this country, the unions have opted to do without of their employees, before adopting measures of internal flexibility. Madrid, Community Valencia, Castile, Aragon..., practically in all Spain, the union insoles have decreased with the crisis. In the last year, the power stations that you direct as union leaders (Ignacio Fernández Toxo and Cándido Méndez) they have done without of more than 500 workers, according to published data. And in the most recent cases the unions are applying the same medicine that the managers, that of the discharge with twenty days of compensation for worked year. 

And the most lamentable thing is that you, they cannot create employment in a direct way, you are some complete parasites that alone they can suck of the benefits of the work if the society believes it, otherwise you die because they are not right of existing, so that you can defend the values of the work, he has to have work, non manifestations or strikes, and it is necessary to make what is to get it and if it is necessary to work charging the half during a time, to save a single work position, you should plan this way it, and to control it and to see that when he goes back, lose temper this situation, it doesn't serve as anything to protest outside of time that is what they are making you now. 

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