jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014



This has been the question or survey that almost all the Spanish newspapers outlined to their readers I don't know who has won but if you who it has lost and without a doubt he is Spain and the Spaniards, and it is that it has been clear again that there is not sense of having been by any side that the political interveners are that political that they are limited to encourage and to applaud the lies commendations of some and you criticize them unconscious neither I support of other and to be concluded he almost makes an orgy of voting’s to proposals that ahead of time all knew which serious the result sad show. 

There is not solution we go for the history giving tumbles in a way he would say me that only it is necessary to admit this way it, we pass of becoming a Kingdom that grew and he became empire that I conquer he discovered a new world, and as all empire he falls it is maybe the destination of all the empires, but Spain in this history to be of the first ones it lost everything I am reduced to the nation that is poor divided today and without resources and the bad thing is that many don't want to wake up of a dream that I already happen. 

This way today that Kingdom has a king that doesn't rein, a territory that collapses in the misery, and a government that continues dreaming that he has an empire to its service. With these antecedents I dare to think that there is not future neither for the Kingdom neither for the citizens that support it and when I say to support it is literal the citizens already support with its scarce work and their many necessities to a Kingdom that cannot sustain them with the dignity that any Kingdom or state should make him, but few times a politics and a state they behave in way so unworthy and false how he behaves the politics and the politicians national Spaniards with their citizens in general and especially with the Catalan identity. 

This reality inside Spain is very special, and he harms a lot of on the whole to the Spanish society, and believe a strange and curious confusion at least in the international context, nobody outside of here he understands it, if they understand it when you explain to it, but it is not the same thing to understand that to assimilate it. And I believe that here it happens to us the same thing, too many Spaniards and the one that he writes this I articulate. This has arrived so far that it has taken to many Catalan to request that they allow deciding that they allow us to vote to see if it is certain or not what many think that we want to stop to be Spanish for obligation, to be able to be Catalan for devotion. 

But Spain embodied in its politicians, doesn't want to leave us neither so at least to ask us the question, that is to say he even denies us the possibility to see that we are certainly no longer anything, as they repeat us an and another time that we exist thanks to the good will of Spain that we are a lie that the same as Spain is not already an empire Catalonia it no longer exists, and that the same as the Spanish government shows off of being the government from a big and free Spain when it is the poorest and but unbalanced of the nations of Europe, Catalonia is alone a dream of four lunatics dreamer Catalan.  

Mariano Rajoy has insisted again that we are property of all the Spaniards and that alone if they want to do without of Catalonia we could dream in being Catalan, it is clear, for Spain for the government and I imagine that for many Spaniards, Catalonia is not anything according to Rajoy it "belongs already to all the Spaniards" single lack that you distribute it to him that in the bottom it is what they try to make and it stops sample the politics of extreme separation between Catalonia and the Community of Valencia and the politics in The Balearic ones and because not to say it with Aragon.  

At two first they have removed them the language, the teaching of their past, to Valencia besides denying them the language and all that brings near Catalonia, has despoiled it and ruined totally in such a way that is impossible for her to survive without it guides her of Madrid, and to Aragon they have imbued him an anti catalane so ferocious that I believe that they have made them forget that before Spain existed like Kingdom of Aragon where Catalonia was participates faithful, and that said it is in passing it was much stronger and richer that the other Kingdom with the one that united and they formed Spain, maybe for that reason it interests them that Aragon doesn't remember what should remember and they know that if he comes closer to Catalonia we will explain to him it this way such and like it was. 

They already come there are many things here between, it is not alone the problem that we have and let us use an own language, it doesn't care that our form of seeing the things is a different point, he doesn't have importance that here the bullfights have been prohibited, etc., the only thing that it cares in fact is that Spain could not maintain its economic status in the European context, if for those things of the life, Catalonia becomes independent of Spain. He and the last governments and futures know or they realize quickly that Spain could not be sustained without Catalonia and on the contrary Catalonia if it would rot, although Spain attempts the opposite. 

This is the reality Spain, the imperial one, the centralist, the conqueror, that that was "a big and free", cannot support to depend on a conquered region that stays strong in their beliefs and national identity that it doesn't assume as own the imposed global nationality, and that in spite of this insubordination, it cannot do without of their capacity and economic, venturesome, and nationalist force. This and not other motivations are the true sin Catalan nationalist. 

So Mr. Rajoy fears myself that almost that we can him we won't make case Catalonia it is decided that is if he wants and if it can be a new European country and if he can the it will be, with its threats or without them, this has to decide it you, but think the same thing that Catalonia is played the rest of Spain it is played much of winner so he doesn't go because it can be him very expensive. 

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