jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014



They are enough some fragile and insecure symptoms of improvement so that they suppose to a group of managers of big companies that Spain is leaving to its backs the economic coma that this prone to Spain for already half decade. The advance, however, is insufficient and it is to me to understand a provisional illusion, that is to say, now we are entering in an electoral period in the European Community and they are not deceived, that that now plays it is to contain the wounds inflicted by the crisis to the politicians and European societies so that they vote.  


The populations of the continent wide layers have slipped toward the poverty, hit by the unemployment and the cuttings in the public benefits. The extended social uneasiness gives wings to populist movements, xenophobic instincts, scepticism toward the European project, boredom toward the parties traditionally in the power, and a resentment that grows in the public opinion of the countries members, in the face of this reality, it is not of missing that all this is manifested in Catalonia, the optimistic part of this, is that Catalonia is in disposition of changing the situation with which has arrived to this disaster state, and this doesn't doubt it, it is good for the society and for you. 


A new Catalonia being left the current phase of stabilization of the economic crisis, he offers an opportunity to overcome the politicians of economic emergency that make as much damage to the civil society as to the managerial one, and to profile with more serenity a leaf of reformist route. They are not able to neither you would owe to put sticks in the wheel of this change, because looks at it for where they look at it is the only possibility to change, of being a country without future and to tow of the "charity of Spain and the UE", to be a capable country to direct their economy and their social and industrial capacity at some new levels that together to a wounded mastodon of death like it is Spain it is impossible. 


There is not any justification for their attitude so conservative in the current situation, I could understand it if the forecast of the Spanish economy was other, that is to say I understand the security that above all needs the company to confront its activity, what I don't understand is that activity type will be able to make the Catalan company and the Spaniard in the current circumstances, you all the managers of the “air bridge” (Barcelona Madrid) for example, don't manufacture anything, they don't create any added value, clearer statement doesn't make grow the GDP of the country. 


You are limited to publish newspapers or books in Spain that every time the society the purchase less; they organize living rooms where it is attempted they market houses that they have more than enough to foreign capitals; they have or they direct banks that are in the slack rope, because or they leave outside of Spain to look for money or here they don't find it; they are that is to say agents of services they get paid based on rates that the BOE imposes and that we pay the users; they resell matters that you care but that they don't manufacture here; they have hotels that they largely live thanks to the low salaries that they pay; they are lawyers that certainly benefits to the society don't give none; real estate that could no longer exist with what the Spanish state bids in public work; in short that in few words the society could do without almost of all you. 


But with everything and this reality they don't believe it to him, they continue believing that the nation needs them and it saved them because in these moments this it is the reality, some years ago they were you those that moved the nation, today they are not deceived, it is the nation those that moves you, and this it is the deceit that they like to be believed but this cannot have continuity, they don't come it, Spain cannot maintain them for much more time, so or they will make business it was or they will die waiting.  


The new industrial fabric that you must impose for obligation is not the one that you have enjoyed up to now, from now on it is necessary to create companies that believe GDP, quickly not that they live off the GDP that they are it they make you, and these companies are small and much nearer to the society, today they have already done it with “Wash app”, alone fifty and few employees and they could buy to almost all you. 


Don't want to deceive us more and the worst thing, don't be deceived yourselves, the national economy of Spain and all you bound to her, it is dead you cannot sustain, it continues being single countable numbers of a capital that doesn't exist, but that they leave it changing among you the one it should when having, but it is not cash in Spain.  The society won't be able to make in front of the taxes, to its rates, to its services, because there is not possibility to create more GDP, notice the escalade of the national debt we are already in 100% of the GDP and at the end of 2014 we will be to 120%. 


And you know it but they hold on to the government as always they have made, forget this, already step this time, now the countries that work are those that go on the contrary, that is to say those that the government leans on in their companies in his GDP., and to Spain to change this the own Spain can cost him, however Catalonia is already halfway of it    

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