martes, 18 de febrero de 2014



Before saying that Mas it falsifies the history when he refers to better Catalonia it would be that you worry to learn history of europa of Spain and of Catalonia the fact that now gives to all the political ambassadors of the PP that Catalonia doesn't exist because it has never been a Kingdom it is a stupidity Catalonia it exists from a lot before Spain is but when its Spain was an Arab country, Catalonia it defended to europa, in that time like “Mark Hispanic” and protected and included in the Empire Carolingian not being Kingdom anything he has to do with a reality recognized in all the maps and history of that time. 


But it is that now in the most modern age that we live that is to say today Catalonia it could be a gift for Europa. Some days ago he wrote that a possible exit for the stagnation of the europa of the euro, it could be the europa of the regions instead of the nations, it based me in that politically a nation feels too important and powerful, to consent or to accept the indications of an abstract figure as he is the European government that in fact doesn't exist as such. Today I read satisfied that is not a surrealist idea of mine, but rather it seems that there are movements in this respect. 


This way that has been added to this position, it has been the influential British economic newspaper Financial Times. Of their boss's of Investments hand, James Mackintosh, the newspaper points out that the independence of Catalonia, and also that of Scotland, is "attractive" at the moment because "Brussels would have more and more to be able to on the central governments that offer scarce demand and a lot of austerity." 


This is so clear that explains many of the restlessness that it produces him the segregation idea and independence of Catalonia to Spain, partly without having the lost morals of the national feeling, the loss of power, of revenues, of GDP, of the state structure, would be the tremendous influence fall in europa, because Spain would go down a lot in the percentage of its current importance as for contribution to the GDP of the euro area. 


But they already come to the UE this possibility it would be him beneficial and it is logical to see this way it, they will see if the UE you full with you step small their serious influence substantially superior, the central banks of these countries, for example, would be some you authenticate branches of the BCE, the normative economic fiscal commercial etc. would not find the resistances of nations like France and Germany that can exercise the veto right to what seems them without having it counteractive for its political power, be or not convenient for the rest.  


Besides being interesting politically is economically it because an independent Catalonia, would be richer, although it would be more indebted in percentage than Spain, the GDP per capita of Catalonia 27.430 Eurus the last year went superior to that of Italy and Spain, in Spain it was of 22.284 Eurus, nearer to Greece that to the stocking of the euro zone. If the Spanish debt was divided in relation to the GDP, that of Catalonia would be of 94% of its GDP, above 79% of the rest of Spain", the FT says. "Although that yes, their taxes would no longer have to subsidize Spain", with what their refund capacity would ascend and therefore its risk would be very inferior


The evident problem resides in that the UE didn't admit to the new state. With everything, the FT says that it is "very difficult to see an excluded Catalonia of the UE. Their economy is of the same size that Greece and to toss it outside of the euro would be very harmful" for the whole group of the euro group Mr. Ambassador I am to its service to educate him in what can. 

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