domingo, 14 de junio de 2015


It is evident that Spain has given a total overturn to its political structure of base and when I refer to the base I refer to its towns cities and Autonomies or regions, in view of that reaffirmed yesterday Saturday in the consolidation and formation of city councils and of some autonomous governments this undoubtedly Spain gives an overturn that is to say to the Greek this leaves to the extreme left it is not strange in this country in the one that alternatingly passes of left to right to each two legislatures, but this time this has happened or maybe he should say it passed with so alone a legislature. 

If the political portrait that has already been imposed in the public and social bases of the country you confirms it is of waiting that in the next general elections of November Spain will be a country of extreme left it will be in definitive another Greece and this will question the continuity of the European Union if he doesn't get ready the economic situation with Greece and in the own Union. Madrid and Barcelona the two capitals of Spain, put on approval the promises of the forces of the change, there has not been it goes behind in spite of the efforts of the PP and Rajoy that it pressed Rivera so that the PP maintained some Andalusian capitals.  

At the end of the electoral process and after the two weeks of negotiations had triumphed without palliatives the "Revolution in the city councils"? The many mayors coming from the new parties use formulas of institutional challenge. 'We will bring near the politics to the street', Colau and Carmena" (Barcelona and Madrid) were similar. The PP stops to govern to more than 16 million inhabitants to make it has more than enough less than 6, while the PSOE passes from four to eight millions the PP it accuses to the left for their eccentric and sectarian pacts and the PSOE he calls him 'unworthy' and it asks him to respect the democracy. 

In definitive "Spain it consummates their radical turn to the left. Because among the 10 million that it loses the PP and the 8 that the PSOE almost governed the differential on the rest of Spaniards 35 million they will be governed by the populist left forces without government's experience most and with a democracy grade that is to see at the moment and so that it serves as example they know all my readers that in the taking of the two mayors' from Spain possession. Manuela Carmena and Ada Colau promised the position of 'for legal imperative' and among screams of 'yes we can' the electoral slogan of we Podemos. Effect this very difficult one of analyzing because in any great city council it has won Podemos but surprisingly it has put this party it has been the one that has named the mayor and east has been invested to the scream of war of we can "IF ONE CAN". 

The reactions of the means of information are a sample of the mosaic of colors that has become the Spanish floor. While the newspapers of Barcelona, opt to highlight in their covers the 'phenomenon Colau' when consenting to the governorship and to pick up the image of popular support expressed in the square of Sant Jaume, (location of the buildings of the City council and the Generelitat), the right mediate leaves perseverance of its deep uneasiness so much for the results of the municipal elections in the first pages as in the editorials. "A black municipal" Spain is the holder of 'The Reason' in the hangover of the electoral pacts that so expensive they have left to the PP for the loss of city councils. It is denounced in the press of the capital the "disastrous form of to make political that consists on isolating to a democratic party as the PP" that that indirectly accuses to the winners and new “mayors of Spanish society of populist" fronts.  

The centralism so ingrained in Spain puts all in the same sack, and like he said before in the proclamations of the mayors it was made to the scream of IF ONE CAN the  identifies with the chavismo and the Castrism what invites in some comments to expect some near political trajectories to the disobedience and even the violence. Of anything it has served that the image of the access to Manuela Carmen a’s governorship and Ada Colau looked like each other more to a party than to a political act, The constrictor hug of the power of Podemos you began to feel yesterday in the two parties that have been the owners from the democratic Spain until yesterday the PSOE Segundo and to ignored and the totally defeated and remote PP of the government of the town. 

The most central and centralist Spain already rushes without repair in showing its panic before what you give for fact as a radical turn to the left, the certain thing it is that this goes toward this end of here until November there is not time to make change the initiate political tendency. There is not time so that the new powers smash, neither so that the old and organic parties can change their images, this way the things the logical thing is to think that the next Spain can be a watchmaking bomb. 

But the question is we are before "An unstable and conflicting" future, or in a difficult but sensible change, the truth is that there are beginnings that indicate both tendencies from the winning left it is spoken of difficult change but in peace and without dramatic, however the Spanish right begins to make sound the noise of sables, and it claims Mariano Rajoy an immediate reaction to tie very short to the city councils where they send the emergent forces of civic initiative. 

The right of the capital, embodied by the newspaper from Madrid ABC, encourages the Government's president to "apply the mechanisms of financial discipline settled down in the law of budgetary stability and to refute in the tribunals, included the Constitutional one, the decisions with those that the new city councils and the future autonomous governments want to make and that they don't like to this right that you go how it will be impossible to tolerate the general power next November. 

As he said there is not time until the next generals. In the time that spends from today until November he calls himself to the president Rajoy to brake any cost in social politics that can unbalance the budgetary priorities. From the ideological identity, it is sought that in an act of null democracy, the state prevents to govern to the city councils and regions and for it that uses all the forces that the central government has left including mainly in it the Constitutional Tribunal the Supreme Tribunal and I add with a lot of respect and fear the army. 

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